Where should a neet fembot go to make friends irl? i have no interests, and social anxiety, but i want a friend group...

where should a neet fembot go to make friends irl? i have no interests, and social anxiety, but i want a friend group. i'm not a weeb but i was thinking of making myself watch more anime and then going to a convention, but it seems scary to go alone

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tits + timestamp and your question gets answered

Your options are efriends via Discord or trying something like a convention, yea. Been meaning to go to one myself sometime soon to pick up any of the attractive girls there if there are any

Play a mmo. Most people do not hang out with neets.No offense. Or tolerate neets.Join a mental health group like NAMI as a last resort. They'll just push meds on you and all this bullshit.

yeah i know. it sucks that you have to have friends to make them eh.
i don't want efriends though, i want people i can spend time with in person

>i have no interests
People can detect you have no soul, and people do not like that. Stop trying to drain the lifeforce of good people and fuck off you demon.

you need a hobby of some kind, basically an excuse to do something organized w people your age. Like on second thought a convention might not be a good idea because you would have to be somewhat outgoing, whereas something like (random example) a chess group would organize meetings and matches where you'd automatically interact with people

idiot trannymonster

Find a bf and leech off his friend group. It's the only way that ever worked for me. If you can't communicate with people, it doesn't matter where you go and what interests you try to fake. You will just arrive, stand there awkwardly for a few hours and go home. I've tried going to interest based meetups, tried volunteering, and it always goes the same. Then I got a bf and we are suddenly hanging out with people, eating pizza and smoking weed and just chatting. No one has any special interests, we are all just sitting around and talking about daily life, tagging along while one of us is running errands, or shopping, or walking their dog.
And, like, I don't know where all these people came from, they just accumulate effortlessly when you have a person around who can strike up a conversation.

you need to find some sort of interests. no one wants to be friends with someone who just stares at the wall all day

>where should a neet fembot go to make friends irl?

a fucking job

well if you're close to ohio you can go bowling with me or some shit I have nothing planned for today besides laundry
friends are a fucking bitch to come by when you got none to start
>t. moved and lost all my work buddies and restarted

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Are you attractive? Literally just find an interest you think you could get into, get into it and then go on meetup.

Or just go on discord/soc and look for fembots in your area.

You'll have nothing to worry about.

A convention is good if she gets into cosplay and the like.

When I was a socially retarded NEET it was skating that pulled me out of it. You need an activity that you can work on alone, but can/does ultimately culminate in associating with others.

A knitting/ sewing club, a baking club.
Joining any male dominated hobby is purely a attempt to sleep around with a bunch of guys.

animal shelter volunteer

be like "well i love animals, and i just moved here so im trying to get to know some people"

you will quickly be welcomed into a very naive & wholesome social circle with many cat owners.

i actually skated for a little while and really liked it, but then i had to quit cause i embarrassed myself one time
that'll just be filled with old ladies though
ive really tried to have interests, but i just cant get into anything anymore
i cant maintain focus long enough to learn how to play chess
how did you find the bf? it seems embarrassing to try and date someone who has friends when i have none

Join my neethouse!

similar position. neet fembot. depression, anxiety, agoraphobia. haven't ever had friends irl. i'm in my 20s. i'd suggest checking out local events, maybe some organized by libraries etc. join a book club, that way you'll be given something to talk about, which might help with your social anxiety.
this is a great suggestion.

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Honestly user irl social circles are virtually impossible to maintain for non normalfags. You can try tagmap to meet people from here maybe. Where are you from?

where/what is your neethouse?
i have wanted to get into reading for a little while, thanks maybe i'll try this

Ok probably too far from me to be frens irl then. But I've met a couple too people on tagmap so try that maybe.