32 years old

>32 years old
>Still scared of girls

Attached: when did it go wrong.jpg (1280x720, 235.71K)

go for boys then user

Just scare them before they scare you. Works every time.

Go get some sugar babies on seeking dot com. You will see women are fine.

I feel they expect the fear and take it as natural because they are ruthlessly dismissive and derogatory for a lot of men.

They will smell your fear. They will attack you. Be prepared, they need your virginal juices to stay young. Once the wall hits, they go after your type.

Same. But at our age we are already doomed to scraping the bottom of the barrel, so we're no longer missing out on anything.

just use your chain lightning spell to fry their asses nigga

>Become a degenerate

>Still scared of girls

ye best start believin in wizard stories lad

t. 38

cause Im in one too?
t. 29 khv

as a autist wizard interested in this subject, in most aspects of life, i appeal to the highest quality scentific evidence

and, atleast in my opinion, the science is pretty clear; sex with prostitutes, over and over, eliminates fear of talking to girls. the better the sex is, the more you feel you genuinely made her cum, the deeper your orgasms are, the more it cures your fear of them

sex is at the heart of your fears of women

it doesnt cure your autism, that needs to be addressed seperately. it doesnt invalidate the blackpill; standards for men are as brutal as they ever were. its still a massive uphill battle

but theres even scientific data on 40 year old virgins form the 1980's curing their fear with women with sex with prostitutes. if you have no moral issues with it, its your only way. ill post the 2nd picture in a sec

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this one is just as important. lots of sex with prostitutes = no fear with girls. u have to be naked around them, and do sexy sex stuff with them, but thats how you cure it

honestly, being a man, ESPECIALLY a wizard in 2022 is fucking brutal

Attached: prostitutes cure fear around girls.jpg (966x852, 465.11K)

>oy vey spend money on aids ridden hookers so you dont stutter around girls anymore, goy!

That's very interesting and I would believe it.
If I was still in my 20s I might be convinced to try but at this point I'm not even going to bother.

That does make sense but my problem lies at inability to establish physical intimacy and showing vulnerability. Prostitutes dont care about it as you're just a walking penis with a wallet to them and even then it wouldnt be genuine but rather hook in another potential client.

have sex, incel

its rare that i get a chance to use this insult, in a relevant context, in a constructive helpful way, literally using science to prove my point, and you LITERALLY dont have a rebuttal, because im right. i appreciate the rare and unique opportunity

just have sex you fucking incel, lol

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I don't live in an area where escorts or prostitutes are an option.

You first wizsperg
I just really really wouldn't want my first time being with a hooker
Imagine having to go through life knowing the only way you could get sex was by paying, I'd rather just die incel

>38 khhv
>still can't talk to a female without spilling my spaghetti

If you somehow get roped into an almost exclusively female space you'll get over it pretty fast.
I was absolutely terrified of girls, but now I'm just sort of indifferent to them.

what's so scary about them?