What are the most important life lessons you have learned?

What are the most important life lessons you have learned?

>You are responsible for your life and it doesn't matter what external circumstances happen
>Intentions don't matter, what matters are actions and their results. Actions with no results don't matter either.
>Debts are abhorrent, try to never get into any debt or as little as possible if you truly have to
>Reality is the only judge in life
>You cannot consume more than you can produce. If you do, it is at the expense of someone else.

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debt one is wrong. Debt is a tool every single rich person uses.

If I could take a loan of 1 million dollars right now I would in a heartbeat.

Yeah, if it's good debt (mortgage instead of renting, students loans for a valuable degree, etc.), that's honestly a key to getting ahead.

not bad advice, user.

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The higher you climb the ladder of the knowledge, the more evident it becomes that the things we take for granted as truth aren't so absolute. We're no different than children in a sandbox trying to catch a glimpse of things through sandcastles.

>Never trust anyone
>I could have achived my dreams if i wouldnt act like a massive retard half my life long
>NEETing is better than waging

Complacency is death

>anyone who tells you to "smile, or else" should be punched in the fucking face, if legal. People like this tend to be unstable psychopaths.
>you are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing. Don't be afraid to tell people who don't give a shit about that to go fuck themselves, blood be damned.
>Talk softly but carrying a big stick, and escalate proportionally, but don't be afraid to let loose if it's clear the other party wants you dead
>always hide your autistic power level: anything and everything you do or say can and will be used against you
>however it is perfectly legal to lie to normies
>lies should be short, boring, and utterly forgettable since the goal is to get them to fuck off
>nobody gives a fuck about what's going through your autism-riddled mind, only the manifestations they can see
>no attention is better than negative attention

trust absolutely nobody

>love is irrational
>you can't control others, only yourself
>it's not worth it to get upset over small things
>try to be understanding

>what matters are actions and their results
When all you care about are the results, you start trying to take shortcuts ... and when you start taking shortcuts, you might lose sight of the truth. Eventually, you lose your motivation, too. What really matters is the Truth. As long as you have the will to seek it out, then, even if you mess things up this time, you'll reach your destination eventually, won't you? That's because you're seeking it out earnestly. Don't you agree?

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When in doubt, smile.

The truth literally doesn't matter since there are no serious consequences for lying anymore unless it's huge (people died, gorillions of shekels lost, particularly the latter) and very obvious that you lied.

>wisdomlet cope
It always catches up to you somehow, user.

For me, yes, for others no. You don't know which group you fall in until you try it. Hell, even if it "catches up to you" it's not even bad from what I've seen. At the very least you can ruin others' lives with it.

>At the very least you can ruin others' lives with it.
To what end?

No one truly cares about you. You might think they do but they don't and they'll abandon you the second you become inconvenient to them.

The hell do I know? You're psychopathic enough to lie casually you're sick enough to derive some sort of joy from this. It's the only semi-logical explanation I have for this type.

Probably one of the only points that I find myself agreeing with in this thread.

When the time comes, don't go expecting someone else to come and save you.

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Trying to sound profound on the internet is a waste of time. At best, you come across as an edgy 14-year old parroting the words of others. At worst, you come across as totally deranged by "life lessons" that apply only to you. Any genuine wisdom found here will better said somewhere else, including this very post.