Voicecels/accentcels, how do you cope?

voicecels/accentcels, how do you cope?

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Im black, everyone believes I have a large cock even though I don't.


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from south england and moved norf for a few years, had to adapt accent in order for people to stop making fun of my accent. now i have a horrible amalgam accent that make me sound like im faking it all the time, but it could be worse

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i sound like a weird mixture of canadian and southern USA accents and I realize how annoying that is

I used to have a very bad accent but I taught myself the IPA phonetic alphabet and corrected my accent. Now I speak like those old timey mid Atlantic newscasters despite being born in Ukraine and moving to the US as a teen. It's really not that hard once you get a hang of it. I can do a good Aussie, English, and old southern accent as well.

What are the best/cucked accents?
>indian, asian, russian, nigger, spic probably
As for the good ones, probably
>nordic, french, italian, british (posh, not briish)
I've always been told by mutt girls that my accent was hot.

i wish i had a nicer voice, it's neither cute nor cool

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I'm a northerner who tried to get rid of his shit accent growing up because I thought it would hurt me getting work. Now I just have a vague accent with northern words thrown in

"fer fawks sakes, bawd!"

yeah im quite similar, for the most part i speak in a southern "RP" accent but random northern words just slip out if im not trying too hard to sound souf

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i'm from southamerican country, I speak spanish 1st language.

My speech skills are poor, my voice sounds so low, almost every single person doesn't understand me when I talk to them, i have to repeat what i said, and it's upset.

the reason is that i don't talk with people often, 90% of the time i do not say any word, i do not train my vocal skills, I'm becoming a passive listener who doesn't say any word.

this has led to me other problem,I can't practice my english speech because I almost never talk with people.

that happened to me as well
I got tired of saying something and immediately having to repeat myself. I just can't speak properly.

Post vocaroos, niggers. I bet you all sound fine.

I don't. I speak both English and my native language with an accent. Haven't used my native language in over 8 years, been mainly speaking English, and now other native speakers assume I'm a foreigner. Once I even got called a racial slur in a video game by a fellow native speaker, because he thought I was a foreigner, lol.


Redman canuck accentcel here

I sound like I'm stoned all the time
I also picked up the habit of sighing all the time making people think I'm depressed when I'm not

Hi other ougi poster

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How is having an accent ever a bad thing? Only ones I can think of that don't explicitly make a person more attractive are East Asian and Latino accents, and the Latino thing isn't true for women imo. I have a lol-tier accent (weak Brooklyn/NYC accent) and it's only helped me lmao

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I like my voice :)

nobuslammer reporting in

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