Why do white women love dogs so much?

Why do white women love dogs so much?

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So she willing of her own volition adopted 'rescue dogs' and got mauled to death by the same mutts others had cast away (and for good reason). This is some Darwin award shit

Keep in mind: pit bulls are less than 6% of all the dogs in the USA. Yet they are responsible for more than half of the fatal attacks on women and girls. Pit bulls are the No. 1 canine killers of children, killing more than half of the children killed by a dog. As of 2021, pit bulls have killed 249 American children in recent memory.

>Authorities were unable to enter the home for 37 min because they didnt feel safe

Just shoot the fucking thing or bring dog treats it's not that fucking hard.

You just KNOW.


no. it sounds like she was dog sitting some rescue dogs who were supposed to be in a kennel, but were outside of it when she entered the home. she was then attacked and had her face ripped off her skull.

they also are responsible for most house pet deaths by animals as well. a nigbull is going to kill any animal it can get its jaws around in that neighborhood.

Weird question, but why would you bother explaining to him what he already didnt read in text form in another text form?

And why is he even here if he only reads headlines?

She was found naked and in the middle of the living room. She was trying to have sex with the dogs.

You can't shoot a dog when it's on the face of someone getting their face bitten off, might accidentally kill the person.

You're right, the police should let the dog finish killing someone before engaging it.

who actually counted the amount of bites?

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>pit bull
>german sheper
so the nigger dogs. The only real way to dogsit these "animals", is to feed them rat poison

you should not handle an animal you cannot overpower, and should have no restraint if the animal attacks, even if it means killing it in defense

its still funny how people tend to think of dogs as four legged furry babies, when they can chew your face in an instant, its like they say with pigs as well on farms, kids never handle pigs because one mistake and they would eat them alive

That would have been a mercy.

Came here to post this, except the rat poison part. They shouldn't be bred anymore.

So you're saying 6% of dogs commit over 50% of violent dog crimes?

I think all german shepherds and pit bulls in shelters should be put down. If people have them as pets they can keep them until they die but breeding german shepherds and pit bulls is illegal. In about ten years we'd be rid of them forever.

Since when did German Shepards become a nigger dog? Would think you neonazi wannabe retards would worship them for obvious reasons.

They're not family dogs.

Yet they will always say its just the owner that doesn't raise him correctly, Socioeconomic factors and what not, fucking cucks

Christ those are faggot breeds. Imagine what a kangal could do or a caucasian shepard.

the ATF is never around when you actually need them

You fucking racist bigot.

>German Shepards
Retards. There's dogs that eat those two for breakfast. Loads of them and you have no fucking clue.

You should need a license for potentially dangerous working breeds like Shepherds, Rottweilers, Belgian Malinois, etc

Or maybe just don't be a scared little bitch. That should be illegal.

I never understood people that need to live with wild animals 24/7. All these animals do is shit and consume food. It's also very sad seeing wild animals removed from their natural habitat, forced to live in concrete cubes.
The only thing I'd endorse is buying plants. Atleast they produce oxygen, or fruits and do not shit all over the place.