I have no life I have no friends AMA

Ask me anything Any Forums

>I realize these threads are shit and attention whoring and people may not want to see them so maybe when I make these shit threads I will use a trip tag so people can easily filter me

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>Ask me anything Any Forums
are you the ghanian goddess?

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black user here.

why seek out attention from Any Forums? you know they're just a bunch of racist white incels who are going to fetishize or belittle you and have no understanding of the perspective of black people, let alone a black woman?

if i knew you irl, would you have sex with me if i asked ?

I wont sleep with anyone *and I dont mean chad because I know I will here it from you guys* I am very shy in my personal life

Sleep with me instead, Ill show you a good time. Why would you decline? Where are you from?

Adding to this I dont expect anyone here to get my experience I mainly come here for the socialization and sometimes anons on here can be so stupid or say something so unexpected that its really funny

I dont want sex to even think about sex and romantic relationships I need to learn how to talk to people and having a decent reliable social group. If I sleep with you or enter a relationship with you then I am completely reliant on you

Don't sleep with him, sleep with me. I'm crypto rich and tall.

Whats your personality like? What do you do for fun? Whats something you want to get into?

You dont know what you want. I can help but youll spread your legs for me every once in a while.

People say I am very reserved and respectful in public but I personally think I can be quite crude and mean at times my family says I can be caring though. I sleep (I really like sleeping) go to the park, visit the library go to my local YMCA. This year I would like to do more over the summer and meet people I dont want to feel lonely anymore

>Damn wytpipo and their *shuffles card* incel boards!!!!
Fuck off, then.

How tall are you user and how much profit did you make from crypto?

Do you get any books from the library?

I'm 6'2" and I have about $432k in crypto.

From my school library yes but I wanna go to the city library more and just chill and read there

i get being lonely and just needing to talk to people, but my point is that this really isn't a good place to socialize, especially as a black woman. i think there are a lot healthier places to be and people to be around even in an online space than Any Forums. you're my people and i just don't want you to do something that is bad for you.

What color eyes do you have? What is your hair color? *this is an odd question to be asking an internet stranger huh?*

What kind of books do you read typically?

Its too late for me I have already done shit I seriously regret I have said a lot of things on here that I would not want my mother, father, extended family or peers to hear

what are your thoughts on white penises

I dont really have an opinion on them. I have never once had any thoughts about them until now. *specifically I mean*

i really don't think it is "too late" or whatever, just leave Any Forums if you're clearly already struggling with mental health issues. this place will only make it worse.

These are my boring characteristics. Brown eyes and brown hair. I will let you dye my hair and pick the contacts.