Two days

> Two days
Jesus Christ, are modern women even redeemable anymore? Stop the ride, I want to get off

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it's like every sentence her labia gets dropier and dropier

religion is a dead meme
realize this and you'll be off your self-re-inforced "hellride".

They haven't been redeemable since they sold out to big pharma, I've only found maybe one unvaxxed woman out of 150 and more inoculated ones? Shit is so fucked man.

Attached: novaxnomatch.png (448x324, 84.71K)

>Jesus Christ, are modern women even redeemable anymore? Stop the ride, I want to get off
Why? A dude who posted the same shit would be hated as being too chad for this place. The reality is that you want only you to be allowed to have sex, no one else.

why would anyone brag about being that retarded?

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Victim points

Unironically we are at a point where weakness is strength

Do the retards that spout this shit really believe humans are flawless? The most notable change in this age is that people broadcast their failures and flaws in order to make them more acceptable.

yes goldstein fucking after two days is totally normal and shouldn't be criticised and the poster is probably secretly gay

We spent most of the Old Stone Age fucking anyone and everyone. Monogamy is a farce. Google "Bonobo" and learn how humans are actually meant to work.

yes Goldstein we should aim to live in stone huts or mud huts like black people instead of acting civilized

You can live in in nice houses and still fuck whoever you want ,you know. Fucking does not cause houses to become mud huts.

yes goldstein that tangent was totally the point and i will go on discussing this with you ignoring the topic of the initial debate

It's okay user, they'll be sorry when their entire body erupts in tumors and their heads fall off.

Doesn't take two weeks to get herpes buddy, it's a one-shot deal, well in this case 3.

Attached: herpes.jpg (1098x808, 322.35K)

Those are not a good example of normal human sexuality, they are a good example of a matriarchal structure with no heavy environmental pressures
And Im pretty sure they have their own 80/20 rule aswell or something similar to it
(Most males do not reproduce)
I think a better analogy would be to chimps

you have to already have the virus dormant in your body dipshit

I wonder what spike proteins are retard, you know that the virus has HIV in it? You must be a seething roastie mad that you can't get a refund, too bad.

Attached: japanspikeproteindistribution.jpg (1141x812, 163.28K)

I disagree sexual deviants cause a lot of social problems it might not be direct but I think the knock on effects are pretty well documented in Hellenistic Roman And pre Renaissance Europe

>I wonder what spike proteins are
then maybe you should try to find out in lieu of posting your retarded nonsense here

same type of bitch who seethes over body count shaming and tells everyone else female virginity is worthless

Lmao I did find out and that's why I avoided it for 2 years, you merely fucked around and got it on the other hand sans research. God you vaxxed roasties are insufferable.