Anyone had e friends they lost come back into their life? How long did it take. Did they reach out or did you?

Anyone had e friends they lost come back into their life? How long did it take. Did they reach out or did you?

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This only ever happened once and I blew it in under a week. It took 3 years, never expect anything. It's hard to keep contact when you have nothing in common.

Tell me your story user. I have a friend I haven't spoken to in years. It would be really nice to just know they still think of me sometimes.


it never works out again. i try from time to time, but im too much of a dick from them to come back.
not pervious user, but i think about all my old friends. efriends only if we hung out a lot.

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How much would you think is a lot?

multiple times a week and hours at a time. one on one>groups too

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You ever had anyone you spoke constantly? Like hours and hours every day? Still keep up, or think about them?

I met a girl off facebook from OH she started sending me nudes for like a year but would never made plans. Suddenly ghosted me after like 2 years of solid nudes.

A year or so later she messages me back out of the blue says she was on tons of drugs and didnt mean to lead me on. I asked her to send me more nudes and she didnt respond again.

yea, looking for one someone like that now actually. havent talked to most of them in years. id say i think about all the people ive had a good connection with at least twice a month. im pretty sure ive also reached out to most of them at least once afterwards, but i guess it went no where.

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I met someone years ago, on an soc thread. We talked constantly for like months. Nearly all day everyday. I had to change schedules for a new job and suddenly it got really hard to talk. It didn't help that I had accidentally developed feelings for her. That wasn't my intention, I wasn't trying to fing some e gf or something. She was just special in a way id never felt before. I've grown over those feelings now, but I'd just like to be able to talk to my friend. But I deleted the discord we used to talk on. I still have her Skype account, but I'm pretty sure it was an alt and she hasn't logged in in years. I really just wish I could talk to her. If she found someone else I'd be happy for her, but it'd be nice to know I meant something to her. Even if she thought of me as a friend.

i have a big problem with catching feelings when i talk to someone often too. honestly, you should message her skype though. she probably wont see it, but who knows. its hard to say since most females are used to attention, but im willing to bet she thinks of you from time to time. hope you can reach your friend again user o7

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I already have. I sent her messages about 2 years ago. Still nothing. I even had an email from her, but that is also an alt. It's so goddamn annoying because I have her full name, but I can't track down any of her other info because she's not from the states. I just keep thinking that if she remembers me she'd reach out or message me or something. And even if she didn't have access to that Skype anymore she knows my name. I'm not that hard to find. Honestly having the relationship fall through has taught me a lot about relationships and myself. But now it's just be nice to know we'll talk again before I die.

my best cope for you would be to chalk it up as something that wasnt meant to be desu. memory can also be a fickle thing. she probably forgot about those alts and your last name. at the very least, youve learned something from it. hopefully its just something healthy and applicable.
try not to idealize talking to her again, i would hate for it to be a let down for you when it does happen.

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I don't know if I can do that. I think even if I have to bear the weight of not being able to hear from her again I have to keep the thought alive. I don't know if I'll ever meet anyone like her ever again. Next time I'll be better because of her, but that doesn't mean I don't want to eventually reconnect. I keep thinking she'll eventually find that Skype and hit me up and things will be like old times, but even I know that's not how these things work. I think I can die knowing that it's a miracle we spoke in the first place and that the happy memories are enough.

Bumping once again for more stories

>How long did it take.
About 7 months on the dot.
>Did they reach out or did you?
He did, I never try to reach out again after something fizzles. I was honestly overjoyed he'd even remembered me at all, we only spoke for 2 or 3 months before. It was a mistake to try again though. I was still infatuated and he was still pulling the same hot/cold nonsense, like a gay e-girl. Also claims he was in the early stages of trooning out, which is fine, but I was in no position to support him, had no idea what to say. Part of me still thinks he was always fucking with me, but there was a good amount of reason to believe it was genuine too. I hate the people inside my computer.

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>and that the happy memories are enough.
memories are all we'll have. regardless if you can reconnect, keep them close to your heart, just make sure you dont obsess over them.
wtf are the digits in this thread though?
>I hate the people inside my computer.
fucking awful arent they? better then irl though

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Why do you never reach out?

That's a big issue for me. I can get list in them and I'll be stuck back then and have to deal with getting back to where I'm at now. Wish I was better at dealing with this.

She reached out to me after 2 or 3 months. We were almost as good as before, for about a year, I guess. Then she found a boyfriend and politely asked me if it would be alright if we stopped being friends. Kinda schizo, but at least we parted ways amicably. At least now I'm not having a female friend ever again!

What makes you think you'll never have a female friend again?