But I dont want to be a software developer

But I dont want to be a software developer....

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its fine user, i hate java too

Come, friendless INTP aspie, we have such feels to show you

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I quit being a software developer after doing it for a year and now work in retail. No regrets.
The extra money isn't worth it if you're miserable every day of the week as you earn it.
>how are you not more miserable working in retail?
It seems to me that retail hell is more an American thing, it's pretty chill where I'm from, mostly.

You will get in the basement
You will drink low-carb energy drinks
You will enter the datas
You will map the entities

what do you do on a usual day? is it just stocking shelves or do you have to talk to people a lot? how much time do you spend working the register, thats my biggest fear

Turns out pursuing a career doing what you love is not such a good idea

B-b-b-b-b-b-but my high school teachers told me to follow my dreamerino!!!!!!!!!!!! What do you mean my $200,000 Juggling degree is worthless?!?!?!?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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just found out after a few weeks in this bootcamp i fucking hate this stupid fucking bullshit but i don't know what to do i just want to kill myself every job fucking sucks what's the point

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wtf I'm a friendless INTP aspie who is trying to teach myself C++ and arch. am I a stereotype?

Fresco, I've been hearing some complaints from you coworkers about your... lack of satisfaction with our offices. As I'm sure you know, this is not conducive to a productive workplace. Now I could replace you with an Indian migrant who works for half as much as you do in a blink of an eye, but I like you, Fresco, I really do, so I'm giving you one more chance, sport. No more of this insubordination and badmouthing, got it? Haha, no worries pal, I'll only dock you one week's pay this time and put you on unpaid overtime for the next couple weeks. Make me proud champ!

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i've just about FUCKING HAD IT

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Haha, that's a fun little fantasy you have there, Fresco, that's why I like you. How charming. Anyway, myself and Mr. Shekelberg are going out to Dorsia for lunch. Enjoy your bologna sandwich champ, and make sure you have all that data cleaned up by the time I get back.

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Take the pinkpill and shack up with an engineer. You don't need to be an engineer to reap the benefits of an engineer's salary, just make love to him it's simple really. I doubt an engineer would ever break up with you because it's hard enough to find a gf as is. Why do you think women sleep with doctors etc? Either learn to code or learn to suck this d.

all of my job opportunities involve either lobotomite tier website design/development or programming missiles to seek out the highest density cluster of Iraqi children and track it

>programming missiles to seek out the highest density cluster of Iraqi children and track it
You get to be D-FENS irl and you choose to literally suck cock instead. You faggot.

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>Dorsia for lunch

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No one does CS/programming fags are the menial laborers of the modern world. Congratulations on falling for the meme. In 10 years there will be enough javascript coding indian immigrants that you won't even be able to cope with "muh salary" anymore.

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tough shit.
you live in a capitalist society. you have to work to earn money to live. either play by the rules and be a software developer like the rest of us or become homeless and die penniless and alone in the gutter where your body will grow cold next to the garbage laying in the street until a feral dog come along to chew on your bloated corpse.

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>I take for granted the technological progress that our civilized world has bestowed upon us. I will complain about the people responsible for building the internet by using the internet to complain about them.
You are a loser and you will never learn to code or suck this d so stay poor.

Kek those were the two choices presented to me the last time I was unemployed as well. Luckily the military thing paid worse than the webdev one so there was no ethical dilemma.

I learned to code when I was 15 and realized what a gay and miserable job it would be.

>building the internet
Do you work for the IETF?

Keep telling yourself that your shitty webdev job is critical to society, fag.