Who smells worse; niggers or pajeets?

Who smells worse; niggers or pajeets?

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Pajeets. You can stand two meters away from a pajeet and smell him. Blacks surprisingly don't really smell like anything.

Niggers smell the same as whites to be fair.

But pajeets are funny a funny bunch so you can kinda relax around them compared to niggers

This is definitely not true at all. Your sense of smell must be broken.

since they are related to pajeets i'd say pajeets

Honestly yeah , have no idea how pajeets can have such a strong smell

niggers smell like shit, like actual stinky fecal matter, whereas pajeets just smell like stale spices.

I smelled two niggers from standing behind them in the convenience store on two separate occasions and they both smelled the exact same.

I dont know where people get the idea that niggers stink, I think this must be some kind of imagined smell. I like 35% of the people I work with are niggers and have no smell beyond like two of them smelling like cocobutter always.

>t. coping niggers

how do i know that i smell

I really like David Bowie, not him personally but his aesthetics. Also the cover people make for his songs are better than the songs themselves, case and point "The man who sold the world". I also like the eyes thing that he got. Makes him look very unique and fits him well overall. anyway I hate both

Pajeet here. We smell worse. A lot of us do not use deodorant either because we're unaware of our smell or because we're too lazy. Also, we eat a lot of spicy food which effects our odor.

In my experience, black people actually don't smell that different from white people. I mean, they use a lot of cocoa-scented products but that's about it. I think the whole black people smell thing is just because, you know, they're an easy target.

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Why do they spread coconuts on themselves? Is that a tradition from back when they lived in the jungle with coconut palms?


I can't see why. He himself is the one who wrote the songs. The only cover that comes close is the Midge Ure version, I'd say the nirvana one too if Kurt Cobain didn't sound constipated. He does have nice aesthetics though.

I think you should kill yourself. Even though you are right about the spice thing though I think. It's a certain yellowish one iirc.

Yeah I was honestly referring to Midge Ure's one, it slaps. I agree with your critique on the Nirvana version. he also was an inspiration to my favourite band of all time Joy Division.

Who, Midge Ure, or David Bowie? I'm guessing the latter.

David Bowie was the main inspiration to Ian Curtis. The Sex Pistols were the Inspiration to the band as a whole.

Dry cracked skin is way more visible on black people. You Mayos just wouldnt get it

Joy division initially wanted to name their band after one of Bowie's song. But then they settled for the Jewish harem.

Hmm. I've heard of them but never listened to them before. Perhaps I'll give it a go.