Day ruined because of external factors

>day ruined because of external factors
i really do dislike the people i have to live with. why cant ze simulation give me aproviding mommy girlfriend... also they killed the dream i was having, a large sin. i was dreaming about such a cute and weird girl who talked about stupid stuff. you, people inside my internet computer, have it good. it probably is comfy inside my internet computer

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and i have ze deadly cough thanks to these bakas. so maybe i am die soon

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seems like ze council decided my threads shall be ignored. there is nothing i can do against ze council

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someday i will overthrow the council inside my internet computer. yes someday

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If you talk like a normal person I'll chat with you. What's up user?

why would i not talk like a normal person? nothing is up.

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a internet computer person has left me. again.

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user I'm a very busy man shitting up r9k threads. How are you today? Are you a man or a woman? What's your hobbies?

leave me alone. i dont like the way you post

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Lol. Okay. Have a good night

i will cease your existence, you internet computer person, by deleting the file you inhabit. thats what you get for being a baka. you deserve it

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Sure thing R.Marchitto

you cant reply because you are dead

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Its pretty epic inside your internet computer. Sometimes when youre asleep, i go dig around in your folders teehee :3

Are you okay fren. Why are you this way? Did you want to drop the act and actually talk about what's upsetting you?

I don't own a computer lol. Just my phone.

so it is comfy inside my internet computer, just as i guessed it. please stop going through my files. i will lay traps if you dont
i do not like you

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How come not?

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you sound like a "it do be bussin lit bro" type of zoomer. i dont want people like that inside my internet computer. disgusting

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giviuvugkrlfkvnv vi am i am in extreme pain

I'm 23. It do be lit bussin ecksdee. Idk what that even means famfam. You're kinda putting a big confusion on my mental brainpan muchacho.

why are you in pain?
just leave already

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Too late for that. You've entertained me with your incredibly charming demeanor. Now I will drain you of your vital essences.

i have a weak stomach i yhink its called ibs keeps me up at night i hate my lifd im also a loser coward. i bet u dont u have it good

You're my friend now, we're getting soft tacos later