Are you excited to live in a Jewish paradise?

Are you excited to live in a Jewish paradise?

Attached: kike paradise.jpg (3126x1608, 1.11M)

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you guys take globohomo too seriously just stop being a consumer

Doesn't look like the paradise to me.

t. Jew

Inshallah they lose the election

It is paradise because the goy live there, while you live in Israel.

Imagine showing this to someone who just fought WWII.

Please tell me that thing in the bottom left corner isn't some 30 year old in a "relationship" with what is almost literally still a baby.

That's just a proud gay Muslim with his legally purchased white baby boy you fucking bigot, everyone knows life doesn't begin until 5 years

You should visit Jerusalem. Another decade and it will literally look like the OP pic.

>Every building has it's 1st floor vandalized

Yeah, it looks pedophiliac since they're looking in the eyes. You don't do that shit with a tod.
IMO, I'm pretty sure there must be some esoteric signal that this political organization is extremely pedo in its roots, like those spiral triangles.
I bet it is the color patterns of the tranny nigger, the little girl's skirt and the tod itself. Why is everything dull colored but those three pieces of clothing?

Not really, that isn't even very Jewish. Israel is still a shithole though desu

This has literally nothing to do with Judaism. Are you asking if I'm happy to live in a postracial paradise? In that case, I would like to point out that this is an advert for a radical political party in a country I don't even live in. By this token, we should be dismissing American Republicans for thinking witches and Q are real.

>little girl
That's a trans girl you disgusting sexist piece of shit

FUCKING KEK, didn't notice the short hair

Attached: b7d.jpg (727x727, 45.56K)

Jew paradise would technically already have a perfectly constituted goyim, which would be maybe a 70IQ brazilian
Which would make all of those varying bloodlines represented there unnecessary

You are all absolute garbage human beings, I hope you all die of loneliness you pieces of shit

Kill yourself you fucking disgusting faggot

I wouldn't help you if you were getting raped by niggers

Attached: rape.jpg (585x510, 50.49K)

I wonder who designs and draws something like this. This stuff is just so fucking creepy, just look how they hit all the meme stereotypes, it's almost like something out of Any Forums. But there was a real person, allegedly in support of these concepts, who just sat down and drew the most stereotypical stereotypes they could find. Is it safe to assume that this was produced by an ad agency run by boomers, who are "in touch" and "with it" ?
Or just mental illness, like all of... them.

nvm, just another "artist" from Berlin

I wonder how addled with drugs and propaganda you have to be to create something like this in good faith and genuinely like what it represents