The Final Redpill

Personality is the only thing that matters. I've seen handfuls of men with significantly worse physical stats and life circumstances than me, yet they regularly have relationships. We are awful people with unlikeable personalities and that's why we are alone. It's over, as you cannot change your personality under normal circumstances.

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>you cannot change your personality under normal circumstances
Just do LSD and perform some metaprogramming

I'd rather die alone than fuck ugly girl

I must agree

The cutest girl in class was into me but I was too much of a sperg to do anything about it. Its over for us personalitycels

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I dunno
My personality has changed dramatically since I've been a friendless shutin for a long time

I've done LSD a couple of times and it was never anything more than simple fun for me. I've never had the "life-changing trips" that so many people seem to experience on psychedelics. Maybe it's because of I'm afraid of deep introspection about myself and avoid it, even under the influence of drugs. The last time I tripped on acid was in 2019 and all I did was binge watch Outlaw Star and Coen Brother films while drinking tap water.
This statement is only reasonable if you are above a 5/10. If you're an ugly or average male reaching for women who are above average, then you're just going to be permanently miserable due to your own stubbornness.
Isolation is a powerful force. Also being a friendless shut-in for years isn't exactly normal circumstances.

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>it was never anything more than simple fun
The "and" is important.

Yeah OP it's real. I'm a fucking asshole and I ATTRACT women, on Instagram and such, I literally have bitches posting sluttier and sluttier photos just because I comment something like "You're a beautiful woman."

But you know what? That makes me hate them and not want them more. You know how it goes, the ones that want you are to easy. I KNOW I could have them but I choose not to. Why? Because men like the chase. They don't really want a woman who's just going to throw themselves into your lap.

Yeah, I'm gonna jerk off to the pics you posted because I know you posted them for me. I have two women that currently do this; both goth chicks. One a solid 9/10 with a fat ass and thighs, one a 7/10 who's skinny but the cutesy type.

I don't know bro. They just piss me off. I regularly snap with girls too who are into me but they know I don't love them because what the fuck ever. Nobody could ever replace her. Literally the only woman I don't hate is a dead girl. I just wanna die bro. Wish I died with her.

And what women mean with "personality" is being as much of a simp as possible. Have you not noticed how thirsty the ugly men with gf sound?
Protip: your "personality" is measured by others by how attractive you are

just an hero to be with her then, coward.

>just because I comment something like "You're a beautiful woman."

What does that have to do with being an asshole?

>Because men like the chase.
Stopped reading there. You're a god damn femoid or a transvestite.
Fuck you and kill yourself right now.

>Personality is the only thing that matters.
this nigga really said it LOL

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I tried user. I overdosed and woke up in the suicide ward. Not the same one I met her, as I was an adult at the time. We met in an adolescents' ward. It sucked waking up in a ward and thinking well I guess I have to die naturally to see her again. Because I know that she's in Heaven so in some way shape or form that was God's way of telling me "just hold out bro one day you'll see her again."

You try living with your soul-mate suicided nigger. It's not as easy as you think.

The blackpill to add on top of this is the incapability to love

I'm an asshole because I have no interest in dating her, only to fuck. The two statements were separate.
Men do like to chase the women they want. If you can't understand that you're probably not mentally a male. Go get the surgery user.

Real shit, this one's for you OP:
>Raindrops splashed dully on the canvas (tent); though only inches from his face, they could not touch him here. He had a sudden premonition that all his life would be like this moment. Emotion would pass him by, sometimes very close. Others would experience happiness and despair, but such things would be unknown to him, they would not touch him. Several times that evening, Anna had looked over at him while she danced. Though he had wanted to, he simply could not move; he felt as though his body were slipping into icy water. Still, everything seemed strangely calm. He felt separated from the world by a vacuum molded to his body like a shell, a proctective armor.

Explain further. I do not understand your implications.
>I ATTRACT women, on Instagram and such
Can't relate. I refuse to use conventional social media and will never compromise on this behavior.
>I KNOW I could have them but I choose not to
Can relate, but I always chose the opposite path. Back when I was using dating apps in 2021, I would bang every woman that would let me, even if they were vapid women I couldn't care less about. I'm a manslut and will have sex with any half-decent woman that pays attention to me. Validation from the opposite sex is like a drug. I can usually ride that high for a couple days before I go back to my default state. Ended up having sex with a lot of fat chicks. I have never truly loved any woman in a romantic sense.
Okay, I'll concede that saying "X is the only thing that matters" is always a hyperbole, but I hope you still understand my message. So long as you aren't truly disgusting/ugly, personality plays a massive role in attracting women. Do money, status, and good looks help? Yes. No fucking duh, but they are NOT essential.
>Have you not noticed how thirsty the ugly men with gf sound?
No. The below average men that I've encountered in the past few years that still have gfs legit just bee themselves and reap the rewards. They are personable, optimistic, and almost always on the extraverted side. Are their wives/gfs total babes? Of course not. But they aren't complete hags either. These men have meaningful connections to other human beings despite a genetic disadvantage. I do not have these connections with a genetic advantage. Therefore, the only difference is our behavior and personality.
>your "personality" is measured by others by how attractive you are
I will admit that attractive people get treated better by default, but your facial bone structure and height isn't the be-all end-all of how people treat you.

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>Men do like to chase the women they want.
No we don't, especially in this day and age where chasing a woman, most of the time, does not lead to anything but being a pathetic simp orbiter.
>If you can't understand that you're probably not mentally a male.
Pretty sure neither you do, because you're not a biological man.
>Go get the surgery user.
Go get the euthanasia, user. You have had enough time living on earth.
>I'll concede that saying "X is the only thing that matters" is always a hyperbole, but I hope you still understand my message. So long as you aren't truly disgusting/ugly, personality plays a massive role in attracting women.
You're a dummy user, especially last part. Everyone in this shitty board knows it; should've said it in your OP post.
>but your facial bone structure and height isn't the be-all end-all of how people treat you.
Tell that to that one marine guy who had an acid attack on his face and his wife left it.
No need to post the picture, you probably know what I mean.

You should try it man. I found a beautiful tall blue-eyed blonde girl on Instagram a while back, she was only an hour away from me.
It was only until I started realizing she was a fucking bitch narcissist that I blew up on her. One of those fake spiritual types you feel? Should've just put up with it to fuck her.

Want her VSCO? She's a fucking 8/10 babe but doesn't shave her armpits.

LSD makes you into a boring "authentic relating" faggot desu

Pursuing women romantically and being a simp who just buys e-girls shit are two different things my man.

I've dated lots of women and they all essentially want the same thing: a guy who acts disinterested, doesn't give them any more attention than anyone else, and doesn't manipulate/abuse them. If you're acting as a man should, you should know when to put your foot down and tell them to fuck off somewhere. If you have the balls to do that, they always come back, throwing themselves at you.

Wrong, OP is right but in a roundabout sense. What OP means by personality is basically "What sort of person you are." Attractiveness plays a disproportionately large role in that due to the Halo Effect and how much we value sexual success socially. Similarly, how you're treated in your formative years greatly influences your personality, and being attractive greatly influences how your peers treat you in your formative years. Someone comparatively less attractive can make up for it by having the right personality to mesh with a certain girl, but the less attractive they are the more standout the guy's personality would have to be and the less likely it is that he would have it, to the point where if a guy is extremely unattractive the odds of his personality being enough to get him an attractive girl approach zero.

Cult leaders, for example, can get gorgeous woman to do whatever they want (including sex) due to abnormal charisma while looking unimpressive or even ugly (and that same charisma lets them take advantage of other men, for the record).

The flip side of this is that if you have a shit personality, even if you look incredibly attractive you won't be able to get girls. You're already recoiling in disagreement but hear me out. What I mean by a bad personality isn't, "an asshole." It's being cringe, autistic, socially awkward, making other people feel uncomfortable, etc. I guarantee if you put the biggest turboautist on this board into the body and face of a male model and send them into a bar with the objective of bringing a hot girl home, they still wouldn't be able to. They'd come off as weird and unconfident, with no idea on how to initiate a conversation well. Only scenario where they succeed is a rare case of a girl making the first move and carrying the dynamic.

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That's funny because LSD turned me into a madman, every time I tripped I was doing some intense internal work. Becoming the person I wanted to be. Working on my flaws, embracing my demons, etc. It unironically strengthened my backbone and made me less of an autist and now whenever I interact with people, I'm the outgoing one. I'm the light in the room.

Just also gonna add:
It's just that it's very easy for an attractive person not to develop such an awkward personality because from a young age people want to socialize with them, so they are constantly exposed to social situations even when they'd normally be introverted.

So personality is the end goal thing of most importance, but from in a sense attractiveness makes it rigged from the start.

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>men like the chase
Speak for yourself dumbass

>girl making the first move and carrying the dynamic.
This is the only way I've had one gf and a stacy has said I look like a model before

I am speaking for myself lmao. I am a man who likes to chase sexy women with good personalities who aren't vapid whores.

>No we don't
Multiple of my friends and my brother have made comments to me about enjoying the chase, even if personally do not. Obviously the sane conclusion is that men can't be painted with such a broad brush.

You're right. I guess I should only claim that Chads ignore the "simp" shit and realize it's probably coming from men who are mad they don't get any pussy.

You attempt to undermine the hints of truth in my statements as a defense mechanism because you know full-well that they are not incorrect and this fact hurts you.
>You try living with your soul-mate suicided nigger. It's not as easy as you think.
My best and only friend from my teenage years shot himself in the head in 2019. Shit sucks, man. I imagine suicide from a loved one is even worse.
Explain what you mean by incapability of love. Are you talking about the Rick and Morty "love is just a bunch of chemicals that incentivize animals to breed" philosophy?
Where is that quote from?
>You're a dummy user
Multiple people during every stage of my life has reinforced the notion that I possessed above average intelligence. I was even pulled out of normal classes during primary school and junior high to participate in coursework for gifted children. I graduated at the top of my class in high school and university. Then again, academic performance is a piss-poor measurement of intelligence. Whatever.
>Everyone in this shitty board knows it; should've said it in your OP post.
The majority of people posting on this board are men aged 18-25 who are not ugly. They believe they get zero bitches because of Chad, but the reality is that they lack social opportunities, confidence, and social skills.
>Tell that to that one marine guy who had an acid attack on his face and his wife left it.
Using extreme outliers to prove a point is a bit silly, don't you think? We are discussing normal individuals here, not abominations.
>You should try it man
No. I will not use social media. I will not participate.
>Want her VSCO?
>but doesn't shave her armpits.
I deep inhaled upon reading these words. Imagine.

Also sorry if my replies are taking forever, bros. I'm plastered right now and still drinking more.

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