How to not hate women, explained

You hate women because you expect them to have sense and reason. They dont. You cant build a house on sand, and you cant let your happiness rely on women having sense or reason. Learn to deal with them as they are. A man should have sense and reason. A man should have principles and enforce boundaries. Women are reactive, they dont have to think things through, they are petals going along with the wind of their feelings.
But you should not hate them for having no sense or reason, or being reactive. They have their role to fulfil in the universe, it is just a different one than mens role. Being mindful of male and female nature puts you in a place of knowledge and responsibility, a place no woman could occupy, so dont get jealous if they can fuck anyone just by opening their legs and you cant. You wouldnt want to trade places because that is wanting to be blind to the world, as women are. They cant even fanthom how sad their situation is if left alone, and that is the saddest part, as we can see with spinsters and divorcees growing old alone or in a loveless marriage where they make their sucker husband suffer too. That is why women were subjugated by men in all civilizations and time periods. That is not strictly necessary, there are other ways to live respecting male and female nature, no need for cruelty in their natural subjugation, but it was a simple and efficient enough way to accomplish that. They cant lead, but they can follow the example - that is the only thing they can do actually, follow - and now that you know that, it rests on you the possibility of dissipating your hatred of women

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Nigga u fucked if you think I'm readin all that shit

>You hate women because you expect them to have sense and reason. They dont.
I can vouch for this. Women became a lot easier to deal with when I stopped treating them like I treat men.

Wrong. I hate evil. Therefore, I must also hate women.

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It is right to hate evil
But women are not even evil user
Women are moral chameleons, they are amoral, not immoral
To be evil you need to have a concept of right and wrong
Women act on feelings, not principles, they just go on and things "just happened teehee"
You should not hate them more than you hate water for flowing

Too bad, because if you were curious enogh to have clicked on the thread you would benefit in reading it

i wouldn't hate the surge of water that ravages through my house and destroys my possessions, but i would certainly avoid it at all costs.

Good, it is your choice. But water can be harvested for electricity, hygiene and cooking. A lake can enrich a nice place and even rain can be soothing. It all depends on how you deal with tge phenomenon. Of courde, if water infiltrated your house and destoys your possession, you should fix it and build protections. All I said is valid for women too

Pretty smart thread and I would have agreed with you if you didn't say to not hate women for going along with the wind of their feelings. Everyone should use their brain and think through situations, everyone. You are just a stupid animal if you only do things on instincts.
And that's what a woman is.

To understand your surrounding and feeling of other people you should suffer first. Bad things happening to you, making your life living hell. That's how you start sympathising and caring more for people. The things is women can't feel alone and can't feel sad. No matter the situation there will be always someone to support them, always. And they know that full well and are cocky about it.

>You are just a stupid animal if you only do things on instincts.
Correct. Therefore...

I may be wrong on what Im going to say right now but my impression is that your comment shows a kind of envy for womens lack of responsibility, and still want to compare them to male standards. You wouldnt be envy of a house pet or a garden plant. Let them be cocky, as you would let a house pet be proud of being petted, you would probably be amused, for the house pet knows nothing of the contingent circunstances it finds itself in. But it is also a stupid animal
Use the knowledge you gained from the suffering you mentioned, this capacity for introspetcion and thinking about your experiences, to your advantage. You can do that, women cant do as much.
Yes, women follow the wind of their feelings, why hate them for that? You can do better than that. No need to hate someone who is worse

To be honest I don't think I feel envy. If I did I would be tranning right now. Women just have to accept that man suffer more. No, They have the understand that women suffer less. Kinda the same thing but you get the point. Just don't be cocky. It's that simple

I can understand the feeling in a way, but why they "have to"? What would change? If you are sure that men suffer more than women, and women dont think so, so they are fools. You hate them for wanting to give them the truth and they rejecting it. If it is the truth so what if fools reject it? Of course a world where the truth is recognized would be awesome, but given what I said about female nature, with what you seem to agree, is it a surprise if they lack the capacity to perceive things to this degree?

It's not much of a surprise really but it feels sad y'know. I want everyone to start understanding each other more but women just don't use logic, they don't think rationality. It's sad. Animals don't have the capacity of the human mind. You pet them you feed them you hug them. Even if they wound you, you love them again because they mostly don't even know what they are doing. Women are humans. They know fully well what's going on around them. The point is that womans mind is ''if you are not with me you lose'' and I think it's not normal.

>You hate women because you expect them to have sense and reason
Wrong. I hate women cuz my mom was a covert narcissist and until I can figure out how to deal with it I'm gonna assume they're all the same

Well you have a different kind of problem then, look for a male therapist it might help

ok so women are subhuman pieces of fuckmeat. got it. tell me something i don't already know

Yes, that is what they are in a degenerate society, at their worst. But in a good communty, at their best, they can be more than that, they can help, inspire and care for men
They also have a place in the functioning of the world, they are just out of that place now

>But women are not even evil user
Yes they are.

Ok, great answer and a lot to unpack here
Yeah, it is sad, it is sad to see that the sexes dont remember their proper functions. But with sadness comes compassion. You should pity and be compassionate for women (and clueless men), not hate them
You seem to be trapped in a paradox
>humans think logically
>women dont think logically
>women are human
Of course this parts dont fit, because they are not the right parts
Logical thinking is a continuum. Men are more logical and have better impulse control than women, who are more prone to emotions and their hormones. They are in general more rational than animals but less than men. They know and dont know at the same time what is going on, to a certain degree. Men also know and dont know what i going on, in a cosmic scale, but are conscious of things to a higher degree than women.
About the mentality women have of "if you are not with me you lose", yeah thats fucked up but a consequence of current ideas very widespread. Men need to find their values in themselves again

You only call them evil becausenyoubhave a clear distinction between good and evil inside your mind. Women dont

are you saying that hating wamen is like trying to kill moby dick user?

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Woman are inherently disgusting just for this reason alone.
Fuck you, simp.

How so? Never read the whale book, care to explain please?

the captain who tries to kill the whale represents the man who starts a pointless battle with the forces of nature... this is just one of the possible interpretations btw

Your angry ways are a sane response to being confronted with women irrationality, in a first moment. But please read this thread again when you think you are in a more receptive mood. It is reasonable to reason to find unreasomableness disgusting, but there is more in the world than just reason, and by seejng things that way you are condemning yourself to a limited perspective

yep, this is why feminism is literally worse than nuclear holocaust. we deserve nuclear holocaust and mass extinction for giving women rights. GOD HATES US