How do i cope with being diagnosed with bpd???

how do i cope with being diagnosed with bpd???

am i really unlovable now?
will i really lose all my friends?

should I just embrace the rope and end it all i dont wanna end up being a degenerate retard

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>am i really unlovable now?
I love bpds. Unfortunately I only attract npds

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Learn to not use it as an excuse or crutch. When you behave negatively and recognize it after the fact apologize to people even if it's not entirely your fault, you still need to be accountable. Depending on how serious it is, talk with your psych doc about mood stabilizers.

>. When you behave negatively and recognize it after the fact apologize
Shut the fuck up. Npds never fucking apologize for their constant toxic behavior. And then bpds get labeled "bad" for standing up for themselves

>mood stabilizers
>Emotions are bad
>Keep them bottled up and be passive aggressive like us narcs
I hope you fucking die soon

OP you were unlovable before. Just because you have a diagnosis now doesnt change anything. You're still the same worthless piece of shit from before.

>They won't apologize so I won't either

Good luck ever having a functioning relationship if you can't do what's right because someone else won't either. If they don't apologize and accept it then learn to fuck off instead of being attached.

If youre a woman youll be fine

>apologize to people even if it isn't entirely your fault

i cant stop apologizing to people I'm such a shitty person it's never not my fault

people leave me anyways. all i want is people to stay and talk to me. am i really that terrible that people wont even stay and talk to me I'm so sorry for everything pls don't be mad at me y'all if i needlessly vented here you're not required to read this

There's a difference between what you perceive as trespasses and what actually are. Be mindful and don't apologize for simply existing, only for actively doing harm.

In my experience, people like you act like this then constantly ignore and push away people who actually make a genuine attempt to interact with you.
Yes I'm speaking from personal experience.

Not only that but they never apologize when they actually are being assholes, they only apologize for no reason and not actually when being cunts.

Being male with BPD is suicide fuel. You're basically a man with the petty bullshit characteristics of a female. I think you can still unlearn a lot of it though. Most of it comes from childhood trauma and upbringing.

I don't put toxic ppl on a pedestal. And I sure as fuck don't want any type of relationship with them. Fuck off.
>Ur attached
Maybe so but ur projecting

>basically a man with the petty bullshit characteristics of a female
I'm bpd and can't relate

I just mean that a lot of the characteristics are more common in women so Its more alienating being a man with BPD

>I don't put toxic ppl on a pedestal. And I sure as fuck don't want any type of relationship with them

Except to you everyone is toxic because they have natural reactions to you being an emotional shitshow. Someone offers you help and you turn it into somehow they're making fun of you, no shit they're going to be "toxic" lmfao

I can tell you don't have a firm grasp on reality.

>BPD knowing what a firm grasp on reality is

You could always make the world a slightly better place and just kill yourself

>Except to you everyone is toxic because they have natural reactions to you being an emotional shitshow.

this exactly, borderlines see everything through their own fucked up mentally deranged lens so they view your normal reactions to them being a crazy person as abuse when it's actually just someone with some amount of sobriety encountering a chaotic mad person and struggling to understand what the fuck is going on.

just cus you were diagnosed now doesn't mean u just suddenly got it lol, if you were able to have friends before the diagnosis you are still able to have friends now, except now you at least have an excuse if you lash out at them, and is able to medicate or get treatment in anycase.