No matter how much you delude yourself magic and superpowers don't exist

>no matter how much you delude yourself magic and superpowers don't exist

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Speak for yourself, I have only begun to ascend.

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This is a problem with blacks, it makes them hopeless

>tfw I unironically tried to learn airbending in jail

Do niggers believe in magic?

What were you in for?
Verification not required.

I doubt anyone will believe me, but I was dating a feminist who then said that I raped her.

I utter obscure, arcane spells at stone and lightning so it can do my bidding.

Hacking is the real magic of the world.

I believe you. How much time did you spend in jail?

60 days in the slammer and an additional 90 on house arrest plus 3 years of mandatory state sex offender therapy (even though I was never required to be on the registry). Would have been up to 15 years, but literally the only evidence they had was a vague apology I made for "hurting" her. I wanted to go to court and fight it, but my parents knew what a spurg I was and they knew I'd lose if I went in front of a jury. Decided to take a plea deal, and now all I need to do is wait until I can get it expunged from my record.

They have to exist. All I've ever wanted is magic powers and if anyone could tell me with 100% certainty that this universe is devoid of magic then I would just die. But no one can tell me that with 100% certainty.

Women are pure fucking evil. I'm sorry for you user.

I just hope that the worst is behind me. Not being able to get a job because of my record friggin sucks.

Governments try to weaponize literally any technology that exists. U.S. even tried psychic powers with no results.
If magic was real we would probably see it used commonly today. Reality sucks.

Can you get neetbux easily where you live?

From my parents, yeah lol. I should be fine, though. The felony was dropped to a misdemeanor, so it's not a total lost cause.

A similar thing to magic is martial arts.
I used to go to taekwondo as a kid until I realized martial arts don't make you stronger.

>No results
Then why do the CIA Gateway Project documents claim results?

What kind of results? What is gateway project?

Niggas meditating with headphones on flying about in the astral realm and even breaching into higher dimensions to talk to ETs.

Still can't affect the physical world. Might aswell be imagining shit.

There are also claims of successful remote viewing of the physical world, healing of physical illness and the ability to manifest timelines through prolonged focus on the desired outcome.