Still live with mom

>still live with mom
>pay a sixth of the rent
>literally just go to community college, work, and chill in my room
>buy her gifts for Mother's Day and shit, we talk like a normal parent and child should
>literally at every chance she gets she will talk about how we have "no real connection" and that "I don't feel like her son"
>will bitch about this to family, friends, co-workers, anyone
>threatens to kick me out at least once every month
>she came home from work today and looked absolutely fucking destroyed from her shift, check to make sure she's alright, ask if she wants some buffalo chicken mac and cheese
>text grandma to check up on her
>grandma texts me back that mom just said she feels like she "has no real connection with me as her son"
I hate my fucking life

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>come home from the worst shift all month
>offered buffalo chicken mac and cheese
i wish you were MY son

What she means is that she always expected her son to be Chad, and you aren't, and so she is ashamed of both you and herself. She tries t cover that up by pretending to be alienated from you.

Whenever a woman talks about not having a "connection", she is saying that she doesn't feel like she can show you off, and because that humiliates her she has to create distance between you.

Bitch I will fight you over this man I am hungry as fuck

Move out. She doesn't want you as you are so she won't get any of you.


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It just hurts to know that my own mother hates me, cause that means the only person on Earth who actually cares is my dad
and that's it, no one else cares

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Yep sounds like my mom
She can eat shit. I don't need her in my life

That's really shitty. What does your dad think about your mom's behavior?

She is sexually frustrated, be a good son and fuck her.

Yeah its fucked up. I can sense my mom being disappointed in me but she just covers it up and pretends to like me

Moms only want chadsons. People like OP and I get shit on
That said I actually did try multiple times

he's legit a sperg and usually just tries to play peacemaker between me and my mom
i think my mom is a narcissist, so if I was raised by a sperg and a narcissist, I wonder what that would make me? probably some kind of sociopath or borderline, but I'm a fucking dude

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I'm really sorry but you gotta get a good job to pay your own rent and get your own place as soon as you can. Our parents are stupid boomers that aren't reasonable. I cannot tell you the amount of times that my father has said and done things that make no sense.

it's our job to love them and be nice to them, but our parents just seem to have the ability to be very unreaosnable, so please user get your hsit toogeether as fast as you can so you can get your own place.

Sperg + narcissistic combo produces weebs. I've seen it happen before and well look at your file

Lots of guys have bpd. My dad was a workaholic, my mom was a housewife, and I ended up being schizoid. Idk

I have this theory that my mom prefers my sister because she's a narcissist and my sister is a clone of her while I'm nothing like them. It's strengthened by the fact that she always refers to her as a "mini me" and told me once that she wanted a girl when she was pregnant with me


fine then, i have a way to keep up with your superior cavalry.

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>grandma texts me back that mom just said she feels like she "has no real connection with me as her son"
You are adopted, aren't you?

This might sound like a trollpost but it's real. I moved abroad and hadn't seen my mom for over two years. She'd say and text shit like how much she misses me, and misses being my mom. She flies here for a month, mostly to take care of business.
She has an apartment in a different city, but I was going to stay there with her, as I was on college vacations. But all the time, she treated me coldly, all the sappiness from text was nowhere to be seen.
One day she has gas technicians over to inspect the heater. The boomer dude at a point refers to me as "the kid", which doesn't bother me, but did bother her, a lot. I hadn't even heard it, he didn't say it to me.
Later that night she was having a raging episode, apparently due to one of the gas guys breaking the oven handle, but I could tell she was pissed at me too. She complained about the man calling me a kid, though it was clear she saw it as my fault. She then went on how if I hadn't chosen to live with my dad after their divorce, I'd have "developed physically" as she'd have taken me to sports. I laughed, reminded her that I was taller than her and my dad, and that my dad took me to soccer yet my grandmother forbid him, because "I could get hurt". My mother did nothing about that.
Then later on the phone with a friend of hers, she said I was a shitter/loser, that just sits around like a teenager. Nevermind that I was on vacations, in another city, just to spend time with her, and she barely remembered I was there.
At that point I had enough, woke up early the next day and got dressed to leave. She had calmed down by then, and what she did was the most insulting of all. She tried to apologize by saying she didn't say it in the right way, meaning she meant everything she said, even with a calm head. Went back home that morning.

My theory is that after years apart, she forgot how short I was, and my father even more. As she has no man in her life, I took that spot just by being around, but she wanted more.