Girl loves you for the person you made yourself into, extroverted, fun, clever, witty, funny

>girl loves you for the person you made yourself into, extroverted, fun, clever, witty, funny
>not the person you really are when you're alone

It is fucking over, this is like acting 24/7

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underage pls go, what did you expect, your animes bitches?

I'm halfway to my 30s

This is true for everyone at all times. We all put on a mask and act out our persona. I don't know what to tell you bro. You dont HAVE to wear it at all times, but if your true self is a sobbing mess then you'll find yourself wanting to put the mask back on in public. Im not saying its good or bad, I'm just letting you it exists for a reason

...which makes you 15.

So what is the solution? letting go? incorporating that?

>>not the person you really are when you're alone
okay if you're actually a terrible person when you're alone then why do you feel you even deserve love? clean up your act dude

Tactical nuke level bait lets see if my boys be slipping yo

Nobody DESERVES anything, my negro.

You don't have to be extroverted when you're alone, but you described your constructed self as fun, funny and clever. If the real you isn't fun, funny and clever, then what good are you?

Yes I hate it
I actually want to be nice to my gfs over the years
The second I drop the Chad act their pussy dries up
Many such cases

I'm not op my negro

What you could do is saying Yes to the masks we all wear and using it to your advantage, but never letting it consume you and become your dominant trait. Always keep in mind that you are not you're persona. But that's just my suggestion, in the end do whatever you want bro but its nothing worth getting depressed over.

This video really helped me and so did this channel in general

Then you shouldn't take issue with telling OP that he should still be clever and funny and fun, and that he shouldn't be worthless, even outside of his constructed self.

Nigga I don't care what y'all bitches be saying, I'm just here to fuck some white depressed 14 y'os, you posting bait, i respect that, but I calls it like i sees it

he says who he is when he's alone isn't attractive. okay. so fix that

This is why people say relationships die when people stop trying. Most people have multiple sides to their personality and when you normalize being whatever shitty version of yourself you allow yourself to be in front of the person you love you're basically saying "You're not here so I can act however I want"
That's not what a relationship is. I'll straight up tell women "I'm not extroverted I cultivated this personality and I don't always want to be around people, it's exhausting. Just because I can be a certain way doesn't mean it's the only way I am."

don't let people have such unrealistic expectations.

why are people who are not clever funny and fun worthless to you?

>girl loves you
Where's the problem?

>just change fundamental aspects of your personality bro so you can have a gf who'd leave you the instant you drop the act!
Normies, man. Why the fuck have they invaded this board?

you havin a giggle m8?

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