I am getting tired of this autistic gender-war bullshit

I am getting tired of this autistic gender-war bullshit.

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How do you propose we stop it?

its been going for a hundred years already don't think you'll live to see the end

societies collapse pretty fast when women get rights, so yeah, we're about on track to have shit go down. 2010s was the year of the elliot rodger and 2020s will be the year of incel

Dolls, VR, AI waifus, men just ejecting from the sexual market and finding loopholes to sex that don't involve women. Exciting time ahead

Unironically get off the internet. It only exists among the terminally online. I work at a university, supposedly ground zero for progressivism, and have yet to see any of that bullshit except in the "official statement" emails from the chancellor that everyone sends straight to spam.

Actually I think autism, otakudom and other such things are forms of queerness in terms of their non-conformity with societal expectations and norms. I only came upon this thought recently but others have considered it; there's a researcher at Yale whose name I forget that's talked about this. Worth consideration.

That is gay af
But if it means I get to claim discrimination for not being allowed to have a daki in my cubicle I'll be "queer" for the lulz

If my brand of autism is /k/, does this mean I can unironically sexually identify as an attack helicopter?

(((they))) will never let that happen user. i'm being dead serious too. we're not even close to having realistic sexbots yet, and there are already articles calling for them to be completely banned. in fact certain types of sexdolls are already banned, and the argument against sexbots is that they cant consent so you'd be raping them.


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Either young males will be violent in the absence of those copes, or young men will be violent in defense of those copes. That's the one thing I'm willing to kill and die for, and also to fund with my money. Not even for myself to have them, because I'm almost a boomer.

When is the revolution happening? Stupid shit should not last forever

The fastest way to end the war is to lose it.

Biden is such a fucking senile retard.

whats worse is hes a pedophile

Okay but it don't really affect you unless you're queer or whatever.

Gender-wars isn't "kill all men!" or "keep women barefoot and pregnant!" It's having jump through hoops for women's attention. It's keeping yourself from responding too early because that might seem overeager. It's having to police your every word and action to be as attractive as possible.
I'm so sick of every interaction being judged as though I'm going to a job interview. It's exhausting.

This is just normal human interaction stuff, why would you call this "gender war"? And what the fuck would you call things like #killallmen and FDS then?

Because I'm a casualty of this conflict.

Gender wars started over 6000 years ago. You're not going to stop them now.