Would a robot buy my period or underwear? pads maybe? genuine question btw

would a robot buy my period or underwear? pads maybe? genuine question btw

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fuck off you disgusting ogre bitch

All natural strawberry flavoring
Serve hot or chilled

i might kill you

If youre an 8+/10 Asian or white girl then yes.

some user from here bought undies I bled in so I think u can find someone to buy ur used period products prob

>would a robot buy my per-

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No. Get a fucking job.
Women get jobs now. You don't get a free ride anymore like back in the 50s.

Not her but selling used period products is a job, she makes a product that someone consumes. Welcome to capitalism bitch.

I think trannies are more likely to buy. They dig through bins in women's bathrooms and stick used tampons in their ass to pretend they are having a period. You could supply those gender affirmation products every month on a subscription basis.

user, this is the best allocation of resources for the forward progress of humankind.

In a general sense yes I think a robot might. If for no other reason than to open a channel of communication with a weird woman.
This particular robot however would not be interested, I'd sooner pay you to dispose of biowaste responsibly.

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>she smiles after getting hit
don't hit women, they like it and want you to do it
>You don't get a free ride anymore like back in the 50s.
women are always getting free rides
this is how society always work because women are too weak to survive on their own
it is very distasteful but in reality, that's how it's always worked since the beginning of humanity.
back then it was marriage
now it's onlyfans

I have never met you, yet I can say with 100% certainty that the world would be a better place without you in it. You are such a vile human being that all it took was a question and an image to make me wish for your death. I hate you. I hate everyone like you. Any of my brothers who would consider buying your disgusting fluids need help, not some whore of Babylon out for a cheap buck preying on them. Do you have no moral convictions whatsoever? No, of course you don't, that's why your sex committed original sin. Leave this place, you aren't welcome here.

Why are men so scared of periods? It's just blood and stuff. You're acting like it's radioactive waste that will bite your arm off.

Yes I would assuming you aren't full of toxins like drugs or meth.
And thats because I already drink animal blood from the butcher, as a health thing. Not even meming.
This doesnt seem any different.

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OP this is actually worse than tranny-posting. You are disgusting.

This is fucking distgusting. Please stop.

Have you ever smelled period? Even as it freshly comes out, it doesn't smell like fresh blood, but like something rotten, because it's infused with bacteria.

Peace, user.

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Would you eat a clot too?

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