Honestly, I dont understand why robots don't just become gay, troon out or date a tranny/femboy/trap

Honestly, I dont understand why robots don't just become gay, troon out or date a tranny/femboy/trap.

Like you would rather deal with the niggers of gender than actually get into a loving relationship with a guy. Smh.

t. robot turned homo at 21 with a bf

Attached: 1439.jpg (250x221, 9.06K)

I'm not taking it up the ass, go away with that shit.

you didn't turn into a homo, you were a repressed homo. Unfortunately some of us aren't that lucky

I can't get it up to real men, no matter how many twinks i jerk off to.

??? just find a twink no one said you had to bottom.

You can get a twink, femboy,trap or tranny

??? I spent 6 years chasing girls throughout HS and into college but I just gave up

Find the perfect one i guess. But relationships dont have to be sexual, they can be purely romantic and cuddling might be enough

>Honestly, I dont understand why robots don't just become gay, troon out or date a tranny/femboy/trap.
He doesn't know.

Attached: boomer_boymoder.png (512x512, 248.74K)

fags have all the mental feebleness of females but with ugly male genitals as well and no matter what your anime porn may imply in real life no male can ever imitate the softness and pleasantness of a good woman

i agree with op. i was a sad robot, now im a sad fembot (male) and im a lot happier.

the most one can "become" gay is to be a prison gay goser and then you will only be attracted to really femnine guys who you loose attraction to once they get alittle older and more masculine
its just not pragmatic or fare to those guys who would be better off with someone who is actually gay.

>You can get a twink, femboy,trap or tranny
So go after rare breeds of people that larger portions of the population fetishizes and that is somehow supposed to increase my odds of finding a partner?

you will rope within 3 years

You didn't "turn" homo, you were always a faggot. Enjoy your hemorids, prolapsed anus and aids

imagine actually thinking this idiot knew what he was talking about

listen, dunce, the reason we fail at being dudes (fat, ugly, etc.) will be even more hilariously awful on someone trying to troon

Male bodies/odor repulse me and female bodies/odor sexually arouse me

becoming one of those things will let you in the market you probably have been excluded from the most time. You can stan that market and the tradition itself, and wear multiple combinations of styles and outfits, or try different settings of it, but it's just appreciation. At the end it boils down to whatever you like or don't like. If you have the need to protect somebody like a girl, if you need to be pampered by a bigger or older adult to fill a void or replace the rejection. Nobody can run away from that and that it's the heaviest/most important thing. The good part of it it's that it still sums to personal identity and shared experiences, and it's a fun thing to do or share with other people. Good luck in your relationship and experimenting, OP.
this, basically. It's not even an appearance thing. It's a "having a dick", or a "not having a dick" experience on earth. It defines a lot of things.

be my gf, i just want an incel turned tranny gf ffs

I cannot find a bottom that I like and also likes me plus even if I could I'd have to keep it secret or my parents would kick me out and my friends would ostracize me.

and you will rope within 5, everyone on this board is heading down the same path my guy.

If thats how you cope with being gay tjen go with it i guess?

>??? I spent 6 years chasing girls throughout HS and into college but I just gave up
that just means you were a repressing bifag rather than a repressing homofag.

If you wanna be Top in homo relationship
You need to be Chad

But femboys smells like ass though and having sex they need to like clean inside their butt and stuff. Seems tiresome and bothersome so imma just be miserable on my own