Fembots, what is stopping you from being with a nice and caring guy like myself?

fembots, what is stopping you from being with a nice and caring guy like myself?

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You are fat balding and short oh and lets not forget you are poor and more

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most women want jerk desu

Not feminien and submissive enough

not a fembot but you probably aren't as nice and caring as you think you are. Plus being nice and caring are relationship extenders not relationship initiators.

paranoia and not really being able to understand the internet. it doesnt feel real

You should avoid the word nice guy.
Maybe something more vague so she can judge for herself or just another word

i am not any of those.

I see.


yeah i just wanted to post thread and im willing to go more in depth.

One thing baby, Money

I thought I was or could be a caring person but then I got a gf and realized I genuinely cannot concern myself with other people
You're probably the same ANONY

You're too boring user.

bitches lick my ballsack yess

How old are you? Actually wouldnt mind talking to you

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Wouldn't mind a gf who'd feminize me.

What is stopping me? He rejected me, that's what.

>I genuinely cannot concern myself with other people
you practice it, or imo, you find someone who you makes you feel like you can. its depressing when you find someone and theyre just living in their own world while right next to you.

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Unless you are Chad niceness turns them off for a reason I cant even comprehend, a foid literally like you more if you push her into a fire instead of saving her life from a fire.

mhm. when the world burns, i will feel bliss. but until then, i will suffer

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ok, so i have the extenders down. What are the initiators I need to have?

If this is the case then either you talk to the wrong kind of woman, or you're being too involved. An over involved chad type is annoying to women too.

Niceness =/= being a pushover. Niceness just means smiling at them and not raising your voice, that is a turn on. Being a pushover or being too involved is asking to carry their things and do their homework, that is a turn off

Every single time I've dated a guy that was sweet and soft to me, as soon as we moved in together he became cold and abusive. So im just going to assume any man who is nice to me is just lying.