I don't want to go to war

I don't want to go to war,
but if my conscription notice arrives and they send me to fight I will do my absolute best to kill as many Russians as I can.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.png (1200x800, 1.35K)

Nobody is drafting your mentally ill, out of shape ass to do anything. Put the phone down and go to bed you whiny little faggot.

What country are you from, potential conscript user?

I hope Russia crushes the west. Letting Russia crush western liberal hegemony would be a less destructive outcome than if Europe snapped on its own on moral decay and reddit authoritarianism. Russian domination is the most peaceful solution to the mess that the west is in.

>The solution to the jew problem is let the jews have total control
No sir, I don't like this post.

Go fight on your own intiative pussy. You will gain a hell of a lot more respect among your peers that way even if you end up dying doing it.

Do you people not understand just how fucking strict the military is on their recruits? In fact 70% of Americans aren't eligible to serve. If you have any sign of mental illness and I mean something as insignificant as ADHD you are disqualified, even disorders that help with the rigid schedule and routine like autism are a no-go. Fuck it even if you don't have a pinky finger on your foot they won't let you in despite it not being necessary to walk or balance at all and this is America we're talking about.

A lot of people in fact lie about their disorders when they want or need to serve for college or other benifits literally just act aggressive to your doctor and she'll mark you as a BPD and they won't even let you near a gun or a mean boomer telling you what to do

Shit happens.
Russia keeps sending threats towards my country and I'm in the reserve forces. I'm fine with dying though.

Truth. Best thing for the west is to be humbled

>I hope Russia crushes the west.
Russia can't even crush a run down shithole like the Ukraine. The idea of them "crushing" the west is hilarious - they are pathetically weak compared to the west.

What did I do to you? I want to die, for sure, so you can kill me, but I don't understand the hatred.

I wouldn't mind that result necessarily, although Russia doing it in the name of antifascism isn't desirable either. Ideally lots of dead zogbots and ruskies in the end

I tried enlisting a year ago and got rejected because I said I had a fat cock (I do) and they wrote it off as a groin issue I think and put me as ineligible. They didn't even bother looking

So then why are people begging for a no fly zone and why are we sending billions of dollars to Ukraine if they are winning? If they were winning they would not be begging for help.

Based zogbots seething

>US has gay marriage
>still has lower HIV rates than Russia
Please explain this

russia isn't exactly the opposition to liberal hegemony north korea on the other hand

>I'm fine with dying though
You won't die, moron. An explosion will make you lose your hearing/an arm/a leg and you'll be handicapped for the rest of your life. No, roasties won't fuck you for your courage.

That's why they are winning, retard. If Russia can't survive a proxy war against Ukraine it will never survive an actual war against the nations supplying it.

Most of russia's military is gay most eastern euro countries exiled their gays and they go to russia to fight for them out of resentment, the HIV comes with them