
>What is your mbti type?
>Do you think it is accurate to your personality and a good way to describe yourself?

New Here? Get Typed:
truity.com/test/type-finder-personality-test-new - dichotomies
sakinorva.net/functions - functions

Jungian(cognitive) functions:

Functions and dichotomies are sometimes confused, but they're not the same thing.

pastebin.com/ccs8sYUV (embed)
16personalities.com/ - not MBTI, but a sort of Big Five test

Authenticity edition.

Attached: entp fembot please respond oh my god I love you I love you so much.jpg (1280x720, 105.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:


yeah, mostly

>authenticity edition
weird op pic for it

INFJ-T and while it's not 100% accurate, I think it is a pretty good way! ^_^

God INFPs are so fucking cute i cant stand it

Yeah, when people are in the know they know exactly what I mean. I assume, never actually tried.

It makes me want to kiss turbie

Attached: A Centaur's Life - c038 (v07) - p013 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire] panel 4.jpg (656x756, 252.87K)

yeah sure i guess i dunno

>What is your mbti type?
>Do you think it is accurate to your personality and a good way to describe yourself?
To the broadest degree. The test helped me reorient myself to be a person I'm happier being. Now the question is whether I was an INTJ all along or I just learned how to be one.

>infj at 7 votes

So what's the lore people were talking a few threads ago about a pregnant filipina from this general

Yes, but sadly, the descriptions of my type are aimed at women. Life of a ESFP male is hard, bros, I am not dick to everyone else enough to be ESTP and I depend on people too fucking much.
I am honestly surprised that the popular girls a.k.a. ESFPs are this low. I always thought that since they are, well, popular that makes the competition for (You) far more harder and (You) have to try a lot more to win her heart. Guess not.

Attached: glolxx23lp081.png (2000x2300, 1.26M)

Yeah it is pretty accurate.

Do you think a femENTP would even be attracted to an ISFJ male?

Attached: A Centaur's Life - c038 (v07) - p013 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire] panel 5.jpg (1022x902, 437.2K)

How do I Te-MAXX?

Attached: 283fe805-0232-442b-9033-53ae52794921.png (476x716, 108.21K)

yeah, no reason they couldn't. would depend on her maturity and whether or not she likes the Si stability.

just use the function mostly.

forgot the previous thread link.

yeah, can you add it. im too depressed from lack of fementp. sad isnt it


thanks user. i do love you i know. i'm so sorry

don't be sorry. love you too, nigga. love all my lil niggas

Attached: 1623476221700.jpg (16x16, 940)

>that weird ass OP format
>those embeds
Ah, what the fuck guys...
>What is your mbti type?
>Do you think it is accurate to your personality and a good way to describe yourself?
Eh? That's like a flat period Eh and a shoulder shrug Eh in one. Curse text for lacking inflection.
I've been told I'm a perfect example of an INTP(most often here but also it crops up consistently in both tests, personal introspection stack building, and life in general when I find the rare person who has knowledge on the subject and it's not a weird time or place to discuss it but wants to as well(crops up a lot actually which is weird)), an ISTP(second most but that was with a group that only saw me doing physical work, and an ENTJ(coincidentally by other ENTJs, the HR group, and a few IXFX's that genuinely translate expecting quality is somehow selling out to corporate despite the fact those retards went through the entire fucking process to get there in that fucking chair voluntarily knowing full well shits a corporation).
Not all in one place or by the same people, except one of the ENTJs changed her opinion real quick when they caught me without my mask fully prepped and it went well so I stopped bothering with that one as they don't need the mask to know I'm on a warpath.
Can't say how educated they all were on it. The ISTP group I introduced most to the concept once they saw me reading shit during lunch so 20:1 all they know are what memes they scraped off places like this at a glance. Genuinely still think they were somehow 7 fucking ISTPs all naturally cropping up at the same location.
The HR crowd SHOULD have some working knowledge. They got the MBTI and big5 added as test for interviewees not long after I joined, only found out recently, and have those in ever employees profile. It's how I know they earmarked me as ENTJ. I was falsely informed they had me down as INTP previously.
Right? The first 3 I get then out of nowhere pau ryan inciting a riot.

>>What is your mbti type?
>>Do you think it is accurate to your personality and a good way to describe yourself?
Surface level, definitely. I don't like knowing others have mapped out how best to exploit that, so there are definitely some areas I try to upend.

First, you're going to need a clipboard and a stopwatch.