Why is the average girl better looking than the average guy...

why is the average girl better looking than the average guy? its like the vast majority of women are on the cuter side of the spectrum while the vast majority of dudes are on the uglier side of the spectrum
has anyone noticed it too?

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Self care girls take care of their skin and shit guys wash their face and call it a day.

called being straight
congrats for being normal

From the perspective of a man. Men have much lower standards for female attractiveness than the average woman does for men.

girls sexuality is to be the object of desire
mens sexuality is to have the object of desire

men used to go away from home and do work in the forest or whatever. kill animals or farm shit

women stayed home doing the children and derpy-herping stuff there.

even though that stopped being so in the 1960s, biology takes longer to adapt

alternatively you could maybe believe in some bullshit about how everyone is exactly the same

i don't wash my face, no one complains

ugly clothes, no knowledge of skincare, repulsive behavior etc. modern men are disgustingly ugly compared to past ages

All these answers above are awful. The real reason is that men are mostly judged based on genetics and women are judged on how to take care of oneself, though men have to do this too. Women aren't judged for their height and they don't go bald, 2 issues that are completely genetic and affect 30% of men.

Females are the base human model.
Men are more prone to mutation. Successful mutations get women and reproduce. Men are how we experiment and evolve as a species.
It's why men vary a lot more in height, IQ, creativity, strength. It's why men are more likely to be extremes, or very charismatic great leaders, people who change the system, or whatever. It's why innovation is done by men. The flip side is it also means men can be way stupider than the average women. The bell curve. Men fall higher and lower whereas women are more prone to become midwits.

A problem of course is that what women select for in men, isn't necessarily good. Women have not caught up. So they select for violent men with low IQ.

>he doesn't know about makeup

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>why is the average girl better looking than the average guy?

Why men say this:
Muh dik

Why women sya this:
Vaginal narcissism

Neither men nor women who are average look better than the other if you feel something about a woman it means your operating on muh dik not objectivity you animal brained retard.

>Females are the base human model.
>the least monkey looking sex is the base human model

Holy shit just shut up already

everything is tainted with estrogen, women's bodies flourish, men's bodies suffer

if everything was tainted with testosterone, we'd look like Modelman Sexchad and the women would look like twink Hugh Jackmans

i shower every 2-3 weeks

user...I'm sorry to tell you this but you're straight

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Yes. You fucking retarded mongoloid subhuman.

Women vary less in intelligence, creativity, strength, height, beauty. They are less prone to mutation compared to men, obviously. Clearly then the way humans evolve is by finding successful mutations through the male of the species, who are then chosen by females who are the gatekeepers of sex.

Kill yourself.

pretty sure if you remove the makeup the average dudes better looking than the average gal

lol nasty

Makeup, push up bras, high waisted pants, lipstick, eyeshadow, fake eye lashes, high heels, hair extensions, etc. Are you getting the picture yet? You have the deduction skills of a slow chimp.

That is not how averages work fucking retard especially for something subjective like looks. Learn what bell curve is. Even for something that can be measured more easily like IQ you can hardly make hardly say "women are more intelligent than men" because they have more midwits that tip the scale one way. Think about it like this. Take 1 million men and women. Out of them there will be 2% super uggo men 2% uber chads and 50% somewhere in the middle. Women will be 1% super uggos 1% super Stacy and 60% somewhere in the middle. This is why 10/10 Chad may settle for 9/10 of 10 Stacy because there are not enough 10/10 Stacys or 8/10 brad settle for 7/10 Becky but 5/10 Becky if not for hypergamy may settle for for 4/10 Garry.

Yeah because men cared about skincare decades prior. Women's style isn't exactly getting prettier either, everyone trying to look like some methhead like Billie Eilish