Do lonely women exist? Can they understand solitude?

Do lonely women exist? Can they understand solitude?

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Women can be actually lonely if they have the subpar looks + autism combo. Which means that they often get ignored and probably even enjoy being alone more than the average woman.

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I get lonely whenever my boyfriend leaves the room lol.... I am a very emotional sensitive person

yes, there are plenty of cases of actually horrific female childhoods, adolescents, and adulthoods
No one can tell me that Junko wasn't lonely

there is no such thing as a "lonely woman"
no matter how fat, retarded, or disgusting you are, there will always be a man out there that is willing to at least pretend to care about you. there is always going to be a man out there that is more than willing to provide for you.
any woman that claims to be lonely is just waiting for 6'4 gigachad to come and 'save' her.

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I miss harambe bros

do you know what happened to Junko or are you just responding without reading

most "incels" are the same though, save for maybe approaching stacy a couple times in their delusion, and then wondering why their perfect dream pixie girl isn't coming to save their nerdy image board ass.

who the fuck is junko, i responded seconds after you did so i must've missed your response

some, not most. i'd say less than handful. plenty of incels would settle for their looksmatch, but women would rather die virgins than settle for theirs.

look up 'the girl in the concrete drum'
prepare to be disgusted

false, men standards are way, way below women - I know you would like to compare both genders on the issue in order to dismiss it but the fact is they're nowhere near on the same level

>At high school, Furuta was well-liked by her classmates, with high grades and very infrequent absences. She was a popular girl with pretty features and had dreams of becoming an idol singer.

i understand she was probably lonely under the special circumstances of being kidnapped and raped, but that's a normal reaction to being kidnapped and held captive for 40 days. i'm not talking about captive situations i mean women standing in a normal societal standpoint, cannot be lonely because there are always going to be men willing to be with them.

>Do lonely women exist? Can they understand solitude?
surely you can admit that she knows what it's like to be lonely
>inb4 "but I mean in a societal context"
first of all that's not what OP asked
second of all, Sylvia Likens

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I hope the boys were sentenced to an excruciating death.

they weren't, they were part of the yakuza
the biggest sentence they got was a matter of months
>Junko Furuta's funeral was held on 2 April 1989. One of her friends' memorial address stated:
>Jun-chan, welcome back. I have never imagined that we would see you again in this way. You must have been in so much much suffering... The happi we all made for the school festival looked really good on you. We will never forget you. I have heard that the principal has presented you with a graduation certificate. So we graduated together, all of us. Jun-chan, there is no more pain, no more suffering. Please rest in peace

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years* whoops
still not long enough
fun fact all of them are free and alive today

Pretty sure you misunderstood OP question

The very board you're on is an example against you, robots are probably the most looks-focused men on the planet and they only care about getting a cute girlfriend above anything else.

No, never the Stacies, they're too busy riding Chad's dick. The Beckys and roasties are herded into a cage together just for that reason alone. They're occasionally released for recreation time and grazing in the pasture. (sarcasm) Of course they do! Everyone does at times!

you forgot, old, crazy, and infertile, dear. They're invisible.

>least pretend to care about you.
is that what men really want? a loveless FWB or relationship? what's your damage user?

I understand his question, it's just a stupid one
to claim that "women can't be lonely if they are payed attention to in a vast societal context" is as dumb as saying "men can't be lonely"
if anyone seriously thinks that it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to be lonely as a woman because "there will always be a chad who wants to protect you" then I am fucking baffled, hopefully they realize that there is always at least someone on earth that would want to be friends with them because that is pretty damn basic statistical probability
>buh they can't understand REAL loneliness if their parents/classmates/siblings loved them at one point!
this is the most half assed argument I think I have ever heard, anyone who makes this point is seriously misconstruing the idea of loneliness to such a degree where it can only apply to the people they want it to