Is lookism a feminine philosophy?

Is lookism a feminine philosophy?

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no. its a philosophy that reflects the truth, and is backed up high quality studies. and the truth is not feminine, as deception is a core part of female nature, and a reflection of femininity

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This, OP btfo

Can't be, since women are all about body positivity and anti-fat shaming.

mostly the fatties and lgbtq folks who have something to feel guilty about so they want to save others from feeling ashamed by their abnormal behaviours too

What do we say of all the great men in history who aren't pretty?
Quiet peanut gallery

Actually it's a bit of a double standard kind of thing. Yes, you can use lookism against men, but if you use it against women then apparently you're just sexist.

>What do we say of all the great men in history who aren't pretty?

They were just coping by any means necessary, some went overboard. I guarantee most of the elite men have tiny dicks.

no it's not a philosophy it's a byproduct of human nature

So a lookist would rather be pretty than great, that's pretty feminine.
It's a philosophy, a way of thinking about the world

>So a lookist would rather be pretty than great, that's pretty feminine.

All that matters is reproduction in this wolrd, pass on your genes, that's it.

All women care about is how they look, that's why body positivity exists; it's considered so hurtful to be fat or ugly in women's mind that they have to be "nice" as we would to someone disabled or retatded

>All that matters is reproduction in this wolrd, pass on your genes, that's it.

By this logic the only culture that thrives on its purpose are tribal. 13 year olds should simply be allowed to breed each other by your logic and everything else is unnecessary.

Everything else is secondary, yes.

Sure, but being pretty is what you care about, not reproduction. Plenty of men have a lot of kids and aren't really good-looking.
Good point, we'd be living in huts

Shit now that im thinking about it you are right

Lookism is hyper-masculine philosophy. You disregard some people as attractive and other people as unattractive purely based on their genetics. That's highly masculine. It's brutally manly.
Redpill philosophies like game and status are feminine as there is this belief that you can change your circumstances with action. While taking fate in your own hands sounds masculine it's actually feminine. You cannot change your height or facial bones. If you lack height or cheek bones or chin then there is no action you can take to overcome genetic failure. Plastic surgery makes you look bogged and delays your genetic dead end to your male offspring. This is a feminine philosophy.

Its a death cult.
>I dont have enough jaw width
>better kill myself asap

You are retarded. Lookism is a studied fact. Just because you want to kill yourself doesn't change what has been studied. Do you seriously believe someone who has access to hot chicks would just deny that and simply kill themselves over jaw width?

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Maybe, but its one we're inherently subjected to to varying degrees

>While taking fate in your own hands sounds masculine it's actually feminine
Action is masculine, inaction is feminine. Womens whole self-worth is based on looks traditionally, much like lookist men today. Whereas men traditionally have higher pursuits than simply looking pretty.

Try to figure out what reading comprehension is. Looks are genetic. The only way to look good is to have good bones and to be tall. There is no action you can take to be good looking as a man. You are just a redpill retard

Yes, I'm saying you're obsessed with looking good like a woman would.

top 10 most ruthlessly mercilessly brutal mogs of all time

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>as there is this belief that you can change your circumstances with action.

Genghis Kahn has like 40 million offspring. He affected reproductive change on a massive level while disregarding lookism.

And the greatest people in history aren't le hot either. Lookism is a philosophy of feminine men, born of a feminine society.

>Lookism is false because you can become a warlord who takes over entire Asia and Russia
Wow... The power of redpill...

>What do we say of all the great men in history who aren't pretty?
They lived in societies where is was easier to use violence to get what you want, or their patron was someone who used violence to get shit done. You wouldn't have Greek philosophers if they weren't a military powerhouse. You wouldn't have classical artists if they didn't have patrons, whom were wealthy usually because they were an economic powerhouse as a result of being nobles ( read: allowed to use violence on most of the population to get what they want )
Violence isn't as readily usable so other methods of differentiation are more influential.

You are saying that if you are ugly man then you should become something great to compensate? Isn't that pro-lookism, though?