A just society would be one that allowed ugly people write off cosmetic surgeries on their taxes...

A just society would be one that allowed ugly people write off cosmetic surgeries on their taxes. It goes to show normies have no desire to fix problems. They need someone to stand on. Why should I feel bad when they get shot?

Attached: 2570d67e.jpg (1610x932, 118.41K)

Stop being a poor bum retard

That would just breed more ugly people.

attractive people can have ugly kids

Go outside Holy shit. Guy on the left literally looks fine.

>Guy on the left literally looks fine.
Women would say he is ugly. 80% of men are fucking ugly in women's eyes. You telling me left was the top 20%?

This is not surgery its photoshop and if your expecting some Jew with a scalpel carving up your face to miraculously fix all your problems you are WORSE than a normalfaggot.

>miraculously fix all your problems
All my problems are my face. If can't be fixed through surgery, I'm fucked. So I'll at least try to let the Jew fix it.

Normies hate surgery because it works and suddenly the incel is no longer a incel. Everyone who has surgerymaxed life has changed drastically.

Attached: 7ad.jpg (288x175, 7.78K)

Life changing shit.

Attached: 797oad.jpg (281x180, 8.16K)

Ugly people have a higher probability of birthing uggos.

Get over it, nigger. Women can cake pounds of makeup on their face and pop out children while being fucking ugly and you have nothing to say. Fuck you.

My work gives trannies weeks off work to get the surgery. Government covers the costs.

Yet if a NEET wants a nose job, no luck.

I'm getting a jaw implant in May. Kinda scared but excited. My photoshopped images that I gave the surgeon to go off look Chad af.

Men can wear makeup too.

No they can't. Not without women shitting on them for being "gay." They can get surgery tho. So stop bitching about it.

holy fucking based ive been saying this for years ugly men should get free cosmetic surgery if you expect them to contribute only people against this are roasties who fraud anyway or good looking men who dont want an even playing field

My solution is simple. Let ugly people keep THEIR money and improve their lives but NO. These faggots are pathetic.

exactly fuck paying tax for single mothers and immigrants to fuck around all day give me something for what ive worked for holy shit i hate this clown world ive spent 15k on cosmetics already and need more but taxes take 1k off me

Tax dollars shouldn't be spent on people who make their own problems. Most ugliness is self inflicted. Fat fucks, smokers, alcoholics, slouching lazy fucks, mouth breathers, people who don't shower etc.

Is it so hard to take care of your own body and hold yourself in a dignified way?

I'll make an exception for birth defects or genetic deformities. Or deformities caused by parental neglect which can't be fixed through natural means in adulthood.

The ugly fuck i posted in the pic is none of that. Some people are just born ugly, you fucking retard.

Cosmetic surgery is ultimate cope and doesn't fix your inability to socialize. Also, your kids would still be ugly. Just accept who you are and let your inner-Chad be free.

Attached: 1442383979642.jpg (400x461, 34.92K)

No. Im getting surgery. You fucking faggots seethe so hard over this and it's telling. Why do all the big name surgerymaxers suddenly have rockstar social lives? Because it's all about looks.

He's a mouth breather and he let himself start balding without doing anything about it. Probably slouches too because the skin is loose under the chin.

>no one is born ugly, it's all your fault

>No one is responsible for anything, it's all everyone else's fault

Cry more

who is making this surgeries?

I would totally go there

I'm getting surgery. I'll pay for out of my own pocket but I'm just saying, I feel zero for you fucks that get your brains spilt. You deserve it.

Go to the looksmax forums and you will find lists of the best surgeons for each surgery.