I don't get why men are afraid to ask out women. Like, the second you decide to talk to a female...

I don't get why men are afraid to ask out women. Like, the second you decide to talk to a female, she is going to know why you are. and if you've been talking to a girl for some time now, she's literally just waiting for you to ask. Like yeah I understand being afraid of rejection but asking a girl out is a potentially life-changing thing. I can't understand how you can possibly back down with that in mind

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It involves talking to a girl for several weeks. I'm too tired for that, so I'll just be alone.

If you got rejected enough, you would understand.

Giving a girl your money is a good way to get on her good side.

>try again
well your experiences aren't mine, blah blah blah

1. I purposely avoid talking to women for non-work reasons because I'm afraid they'll think I'm hitting on them
2. Threads like these actually make me more afraid to talk to women because it reinforces my notion that you can't just talk to them normally to improve social skills
3. I don't ask women out because I have nothing going for me, what woman would want a socially retarded fat balding guy who lives with his parents at 29?

Common misconception, I shoot for the kill immediately. Like chat her up, if the conversation is good ask her to coffee. Don't fall for any of the "establish a friendship" shit, that actually hurts your chances and she's already internally assessed whether she's into you or not after the first couple of minutes.

Foids are very sadistic with rejections they cant simply say no or no thks.

>I don't get why men are afraid to ask out women.
its not that they are afraid to, its that theres been a massive shaming campaign telling men to stop talking to women in public.

clips like this
go viral all the time. how many times have you seen someone write on a receipt saying 'is this guy bothering you blink twice if you want us to kick him out of the store' or some stupid bullshit on the news where everyone applauds that type of behavior. so men are hitting on women less because they dont want to end up on the news libeled as a future rapist.

Meanwhile Chad can literally grab their vagina in public and all he gets its teehee your so direct, god I fucking hate women so much.

I don't care really i don't think about this

If a women likes me let her ask me out >:(

If a girl likes me then why the hell should I be the one to ask her out? when has she ever shown the initiative or effort for me? foids are not special fuck you

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Women practice reputation destruction. Everything that has built up around harassment in the work place, for example, you used to be able to ask a co-worker for a drink but a bunch of this stuff has been made to discourage this. You see people used to generally meet people through shared places, university, work, hobbies but now it is almost frowned upon in many ways to do this. And with social media your reputation can follow you now more than ever. If someone deems you a creep for a plain request to go out for a drink it can destroy you.

1: talking to a woman is sexual harassment in 2022, you are only allowed to talk to women like this on tinder or in bars and such
2: after you ask her out, you reveal that you are interested in women for relationships and sex and she will tell all the other women who will view you as a creep and be suspicious of you, the only reason women socially accept me is because they think I am nonthreatening, if I reveal I have the same impulses as a normal man all of a sudden I become a threat and I will be ostracized
3: the chances of rejection are like 99.99%, they are basically 100%
4: I don't really find women in my league attractive anyway, most women are fat or have man jaws and the few women that are attractive are hypersocialized and don't even recognize your existence unless you are some total fruitcake with perfect social skills, women can pick up on the slightest inflection in your voice and judge you for it, most women do nothing but constantly insult you and everyone else, I try not to be oversensitive, but if that is literally all you then what do you gain from a relationship, I find most women awful and I'm sure they find me awful in the sense I know nothing about pop culture and can't entertain them, a relationship would be too much work for me
5: apparently I am a walking piece of shit, few people want to socialize with me or treat me the way they treat everyone else, especially after I open my mouth, I tend to be targeted by the cunt in the room, people will steal from me, constantly overcriticize every tiny thing I do, plagiarize my work and no one gives a shit, normies claim to be good people but apparently no one looks at injustices against me and think "no that's wrong, you shouldn't do that", they back up whoever did it, I've tried my entire life to figure out how to stop it but nothing works, this would only be a burden to people, their friends and family wouldn't like me and would want me gone

so, there you have it

life changing in what way? women barely add anything to your life more than they take away.

>the worse she could do is say "no"
So, never experienced multiple rejections in a row with sour faces, laughing and mocking, huh?

I have never seen so many people stepping on their own toes in a hurry to trip themselves.

You all are NGMI

>except when it means we should do something :(

can't take a meme gender seriously

she is so obviously not interested idk why he kept on and on

>translation: i've never struggled or had bad enough experiences in life with the opposite sex so i dont ask questions

because that's literally not how human brains and emotions work. every rejection is a cut, those cuts never fully heal and they add up and contribute to much greater damage over time.
society accepts this for women and suggests they shouldn't have to endure that damage, but for men we're just told to suck it up and live in constant pain where even if you do get lucky and find someone, who then doesn't cheat and doesn't leave and genuinely loves you, you still have lifelong permanent damage you will not magically get rid of. people with trust issues will never overcome their trust issues for example, because they developed specifically as a result of a whole bunch of experiences always going the same way. expecting them to just stop having trust issues, for it to stop causing them worry and pain, is idiotic. expecting people to not suffer from being rejected a thousand times and constantly wondering what the point in even living is if they have to live and die alone is similarly fucking stupid user.

Men are tired of your passive behaviour, yet wanting to have equal everything.
Like we have to push the truck and then you claim you did everything by yourself or had helped equally.