Complete social breakdown

>Complete social breakdown
>Democracy as a concept has been destroyed
>A nuclear Armageddon can break out any day now
>My boomer parents still insist life is fair and my shit life is 100% my fault

Boomers legitimately have a mental disease.

Attached: peepee2.jpg (780x438, 43K)

Life can be unfair and your shit life is your responsibility. Blame doesn't really matter in personal matters.

>Life can be unfair and your shit life is your responsibility.
No it's not. It's the responsibility of the people that did this to me.
> Blame doesn't really matter in personal matters.
It'll matter when hundreds of thousands of people check out of society, and mainstream boomer media wonders "WELL WHY DOES NOBODY WANT TO WORK!!??!?!? uwu"

Show em a chart of inflation vs wages since the 50s.
Tbh boomers are so neuroplastic and checked out there's no point, but it might be funny.

>It's the responsibility of the people that did this to me
okay, let me know how that theory works out for you. sit on your ass until they fix it.
as for not working... have you ever had a job? people are protesting bad conditions that come out to a net loss. the job market had its bottom support tested and it fell out.

I dunno man, my entire life is so shit I don't even really have the will to get a job. If one more person insults or criticizes me I might genuinely go on a rampage and kill someone. Humans aren't meant to sit in a cubical for twelve hours and die in order to earn food tokens.
>inb4 "w-well deal with it, life isn't fair"
Or I could just kill myself
>inb4 "w-well go ahead, who cares?"
Clearly a bunch of other people agree with me or there wouldn't be this much disinterest in participating in society. If the world won't cut me a break and throw me a bone then why bother? I'm not going to tear myself apart just so I can MAYBE reach happiness. Sorry.

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you can't use 'or i could just kill myself' as part of an argument and not take any steps towards that goal, doing so is admitting your argument holds no water

What do you mean? Life sucks. There's no point in trying anymore. How does that argument not hold up?

ok so why haven't you killed yourself?

I like food and drinking a lot. When that runs out I'll kill myself.

no you won't. people always say stuff like that and never do it. you will either live a shit loser life blaming other people until old age, or grow some balls and hang yourself or start trying to improve things

I always find responses like this funny, because it shows you aren't earnestly trying to engage with what I'm saying. You're masturbating right now. It makes you feel rhetorically good, like you're calling out some bluff.

>I don't even really have the will to get a job
of course people aren't meant to sit in cubicles for 12 hours. they generally don't. do you live in a third world country? of course you don't, you wouldn't bring that up if that was the case. what jobs have you had? how have you worked to improve your career?
so you haven't done any of that shit that most people have figured out NEEDS to be done in order for them to have a basic fucking life on which to build. of course, you could just kill yourself. or you could throw a childish fucking tantrum and kill others because we don't live in space commuist star trek where you can just 3d print your food and most of the concerns in the world are moral rather than material. you don't understand responsibility so of course that would make sense to you, after all, you yourself cannot be held responsible for not contributing to the utopia you think you deserve.
cutting you a break and throwing you a bone is providing you a place to educate yourself and survive while you figure out how to earn yourself a living. you're not sorry, you're just pitywanking yourself.
no, he's showing you the logical extreme. if you want to live on the street, go live on the street. that's a choice you're making. if you think you want to die, go die. you're refusing to earnestly engage with what YOU are saying.

read your own argument

'if someone says a mean thing to me i-i'll KILL SOMEONE! killing someone is bad right? A willless blob like me is definitely capable of doing it!'

'Ohhh i'll just kill myself! not now though, but definitely I'll do it!'

'I'm not the only loser in the world! that means my arguments are good! a bunch of people can't possibly all be stupid and lazy'

societal collapse is in your head, it's not real.
democracy has never worked and never will, it's a myth born from stoned writer in ancient greece
an extinction event will happen but probably not in your life time
tl;dr you are possessed by a death drive and your parents are right

I mean, I don't know what to tell you people, the ball isn't in my court. Society is the one demanding I get up and contribute to it.

No, society is utterly indifferent. It's transactional. You want to play? Go play. The ball is there, waiting for you. You don't want to play? Sure thing, go play a different game. Sucide and homelessness are examples of different games you can play.

demanding in that you'll have a shit life (but still better than most of history) if you don't. feel free to make that choice but stop bitching about having a shit life

>No, society is utterly indifferent.
Thousands of news articles demanding young men stop playing video games and get "real jobs" seem to disagree.
>It's transactional.
If it were transactional then I would benefit somehow. Running on a treadmill until I'm 70 is not a transaction, it's manipulation.
>Sure thing, go play a different game. Sucide and homelessness are examples of different games you can play.
You realize that you're just agreeing with me, right? You're taking the edgiest, most roundabout approach, but you're literally just agreeing with me descriptively. If you can't make it in this cutthroat world then you should kill yourself.
>demanding in that you'll have a shit life (but still better than most of history) if you don't.
That's absolutely not what's happening. There is a very clear push to get men out of their basements and participate in society again. It's not a gentle, helpful push. It's a demand.

fucking retard doesn't think I know anything about Russia vs Ukraine just because I stare forward when he angrily rants about the propaganda he watched on the TV "women are dropping off their kids and going back to the fight yasss queeens even tho I said I hate white people and don't believe in borders!"

meant to respond to as well

>grow up in broken home then an empty house
>Pa got bled dry in custody court to win me this upbringing
>still has the nerve to be a bluepilled feminist fag

>>Boomers legitimately have a mental disease.
they all got lead poisoning as children
no, really, it was the leaded gas. European civilization collapses due to widespread lead poisoning yet again. If there's one lesson we can try to hold onto through the second dark ages, let it be that lead is bad. Third time's the charm.