Do college girls really?

do college girls really?

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ngl seeing a girl who i could only dream of being with doing degenerate shit like this for a bunch of meth addict coomers makes me cry. why is the world so fucked up? why do women stoop so low to be treated like this yet will never give someone like me a chance yet alone look in my direction without being disgusted or giving me the cold shoulder whenever i try to talk to them? sometimes i can understand why dudes like elliot rodger completely lose it when you try to be a decent person and women seemingly flock to men who only want to use and abuse them and treat them like meat holes. i think i'm gonna go punch myself in the head now

I feel bad for her :c

i was going to download it but her tits are so fucking gross, i see why you guys crop them out

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Just dont be nice and polite, retard. That's all you gotta do.

Who is this and why does she look like she's about to cry?

so far not yet

i hate you fucks who only can feel sympathy for pretty women. i really do

Says the whore who only cares for Chad

Because pretty women are worth more than uggos like yourself.

no i don't care about any men.
yeah we know that already. why do you think i'm complaining

kiII yourself worthless whore

>i dont care
So essentially the men who only care for pretty women are still better people than you in comparison

All women like dirty degrading sex, its primal, and your failure to put aside your madonna-whore complex and fuck a woman hard is why youll never get to fuck one at all.

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go back to punching yourself over stacy doing porn

if a man doesn't care about any woman, i can respect that. but if he only cares about pretty ones, he's a simp with no self control, literal shit human being

You can at least redeem yourself by posting a picture with a timestamp of your vagina, the only thing that's worth something about you. Just make sure to keep your face out of it so it doesn't ruin the photo. K thanks

not according to my experience no

You sound incredibly jealous. And you shouldn't cause no man cares.

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this isn't my thread braindead retard, you'll be used for your body your entire life because its the only thing men will ever see of you

i'm talking about this user just pointing out the hypocrisy of the men on this board, that's all

Nah, you're jealous. You wouldn't be here crying if you were one of the pretty ones men care about.

well yeah, i doubt many incels would be here crying either if they were chad. i don't see how that's relevant to anything

Women like arrogant and violent men (that aren't that way to them mostly).

I still remember when I was like 13 and in middle school. I somehow found myself talking to some girl about a guy I didn't like. The momment I mentioned that I was considering kicking his ass she basically fucking wet herself and started clinging into my arm and basically wanted to suck me off. I freaked out and ghosted her because of how strong she came onto me but Jesus was that ever a Blackpill on female nature.

Its relevant because you want men to care about you. And because they don't they shouldn't care for anyone in your mind.