Thank you florida very cool

Thank you florida very cool

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The only intelligent thing America has done in the past 20 years

The Florida law restricts schools discussing it in K-3 classes.
It is not a total ban.

Why the fuck are they teaching sexuality in K-3

Do they say no homo instead?

It's a meek step but woke marxism must be stopped.
Of course, this is gonna be eclipsed by school choice bills.

Because they're pedophiles user

Woah woah woah user, cool it with the anti-semitism.

you're telling me outside of florida they're telling kindergartners that men who dick eachother in the ass are somehow significant?

the better question is, why are fags and trannies so upset they can't do that behind parents' backs anymore

They are calling it "don't say gay" to try and twist the issue and convert fencesitters/randoms that don't know what's what in the bill. None of it is about not saying the word gay

American school districts are very localized. So it depends.

Pedophiles in suicide watch.

I wish instead of the constant back and forth pull of republicans and democrats trying to control the education system parents and students would have more of a say in it. There doesn't have to be some giant fucking backlash or protest, it could literally just be left up to a vote for the respective school districts.

I think 99% of people don't think Kindergarteners need to learn about gay sex, or sexual anything really, but instead we get massive headlines and people acting like gay people are getting lynched again. These could be small issues yet we decide to tear each other apart over them.

Based. /r9gay/ faggots on suicide watch.

I literally do not give a flying fuck about any of this shit. Who cares if there are faggots and summer camps or schools talking about gay homo shit and masturbation. Why the fuck does it matter to me when a few years down the road white people won't even exist anymore? Do you think any of this shit is gonna matter whatosever in 10-20-30yrs? LMAO its such a fucking joke and a distraction. Do you think jews give a flying fuck about any of that gay shit? No because they had a one track mind pushing through the institutions to control the goyim. Anything going on at the side doesnt matter the only thing that makes is the fucking goal.

We got fucking blackpillled faggot talking about SJW shit that doesnt even fucking matter besides giving people rage porn and the dopamine hit. Who fucking cares about any of it. Such a waste of fucking time with your life.

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Why would Americans want to talk to literal toddlers and very small children about their sexual fetishes?

What the fuck is wrong you?

As usual leftist media is flat out lying but it would be based if what they said was actually true

>Why would Americans
>Why would narcissistic, useless, degenerate, urban liberals


This user in another thread
>WTF can't I get a GF? Why is no one having sex? Why is no one getting married? Why are women all on OnlyFans and not being wives and mothers? Why is everyone so depressed?
Because he isn't smart enough to realize that a major reason his life is shit is globohomo

Nowhere in the bill does it say "don't say gay"
That was a catchphrase made up by mainstream media.

Leave the children alone. Robocops in all kindergardens.

Wait til you hear about the pedophile rape summer camp in Kentucky this summer.