What distro do robots use? my favorite distro of choice is arch of course...

what distro do robots use? my favorite distro of choice is arch of course, and debian is good for stability on my work laptop

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headless ubuntu works fine

Gentoo. literally and unironically


i was told it's linux for dummies and i am a dummy

void is the one true "just werks" distro

KDE Neon (Ubuntu LTS with better support for KDE Plasma) for devices that can just sit around for a few years between Ubuntu LTS updates.

Manjaro with KDE Plasma otherwise.

I like Windows 10.

Running ZorinOS since last week. I'm new to using Flatpacks and Snaps and I'm having mixed feelings about them but the desktop environment is super nice.

Windows 10 Education

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I use mint

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Oh, I use arch with xfce by the way just let me restart my computer and boot into it real quick (posted from Windows 10).

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I've got Windows 10 Pro dual booted with Arch, but honestly, I never use Arch except for rare occasions. I'm A gAmEr bro, sorry, Windows is simply superior, even if Bill bitch boi and the NSA harvest my data.

Mr. Gates left Micro$oft a long time ago, so you don't have to worry about that.

>I'm A gAmEr bro, sorry, Windows is simply superior
Are you playing shitty games or something? My gaming machine runs Devuan, and I haven't had it set up as dual-boot since (IIRC) 2019. Everything is either Linux-native or it works fine under Proton. I've never had to put up with the shitshow that is Windows 10. Let alone 11.

Debian for many years now, literally used Gentoo for a couple years before that, it's a broken mess at the best of times.
I'm a programmer anyway, I just need my OS to be stable and have reasonably recent versions of most software so Debian fits the bill pretty well.
I also use FreeBSD on one of my servers and have done so for years. It's great, but the rare maintenance you need to do is still not as pleasant as what you need to do on Linux.

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You're doing computing wrong if your have anything more than an airgapped Pentium 2 Windows 98 desktop in your basement.

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Linux Mint :)

>using computers at all
ngmi user
I post on 4chinz with my telepathic powers

void cause it werks, is comfy, and doesn't glow.

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Debian because compatibility + stability.