Valentins day incel meetup 2020

was this real? i hear some people say that they were some guys trolling, but others said that this was real

Attached: incels.jpg (1200x900, 190.78K)

I would go there

These guys are incels? They all look normal to me, what the fuck

normal = incel in 2020 onwards

yeah me too, looks very comfy
>These guys are incels?
that's what i'm asking, are they members of the community? i personally think so

The blonde guy in the blue shirt looks like a Chad I used to know in HS and he's there

>the community

Attached: 1625108986904.png (301x303, 149.28K)

here's another picture

Attached: incels2.jpg (960x720, 142.08K)


yes, the community. do you really think that every (for example) r/braincels member was a virgin? that every single one of them was a "genetic abomination"? even lurkers?

this was a reddit meetup before r/incel was taken down. if Any Forums held an incel meetup it would be a fucking disaster and everyone would look 10x worse than they do in these pics

just some chill looking dudes, then your eyes sway left and the whole illusion crumbles

In comparison this was the r/inceltears meetup

Attached: inceltears meetup.jpg (958x718, 155.53K)

>this was a reddit meetup before r/incel was taken down.
wait really? i'm sure this was during the r/braincels era. do you have more info?
>if Any Forums held an incel meetup it would be a fucking disaster and everyone would look 10x worse than they do in these pics
Any Forums is 10x more normie than any incel subreddit

Why is it that the uglier a woman is, the higher the chances are she will get danger hair? Well, some of them aren't even women anyway

>incel men
Groomed, young, skinny, normal dress sense - all around average looking
Fat, disgusting, greasy, unwashed

The only dude that i really have a hard time imaginating getting laid is that chunky asian dude that doesn't show his face in second pic
All rest look normal

And the Indian, unoriginally

the indian dude isnt even that bad tho

Tell that to every woman, I think abos are the only ones fucked even worse

Incels are average looking, which means jack shit during a runaway hypergamy event. 5'9"? You're out. Imperfect hairline? You're out. Slightly recessed chin? Might as well kill yourself

Attached: meet the incels.jpg (961x720, 208.91K)