42% of young Koreans are incels

Source: chosun.com/national/2021/07/02/LD2AUSETUFGX7BZEVNIKUW5OTA/

>One in three Korean adults (36%) said they had not had sex in the past year, according to a survey result. The figure, which was 11% in a similar survey in 2000, more than tripled in 21 years.

>More than half of the men who had never had sex said they did not have a partner. On the other hand, more than half of the women answered 'not interested'. Men said 'can't', but women 'didn't'.

>Professor Yeom said, "It's especially impressive that people in their 20s don't have sex as much as people in their 60s." In fact, men in their 20s had the lowest response (58%) of 'have had sex in the past year' among all age groups.

This is having profound consequences on the country, as now young men have become extremely right wing: unherd.com/2022/02/will-incels-decide-koreas-election/

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I've been keeping tabs on the gender war in Korea and desu im not surprised at this. Korean women are complete trash.

The interesting thing is that the majority of Korean men lose their virginity to prostitutes.

Check out their birth rates

I dunno if it's just media, but a lot of Korean men seem to be more and more gay. Wonder what the fuck's wrong with the world. Maybe we should just ban women from social media.

Rookie numbers, it's 55% in the UK for college students

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yep, it's fucking over. literally below halving level. Would be interesting to see white only reproduction rates from the US

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Women can have their cake and eat it too. No need to settle down too quickly because their looks match will be there when they need him. They can just fuck around with the hottest guys they can find while they're "finding themselves." This is just what women want.
Most men are just plain not attractive and even the alright ones aren't that good. It's very rare that women encounter a man they're actually attracted to.

>Most men are just plain not attractive and even the alright ones aren't that good.

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oh god that is disgusting

Here's an actual truth, the average woman doesn't look any better than the average man, they're just more attuned to looksmaxxing due to their hypergamous nature.

i hate how foids treat men badly for looking like shit genes then turn around and augment their bodies to hide the fact that they too are genetic failures.

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If this isn't the most solid evidence ever that
"size doesn't matter" is a complete and total fucking lie then I don't know what is.
Korean women are literally becoming asexual and are refusing to fuck their own men at all simply because their dick's aren't big.
It's a real blackpill.

Interesting. I wonder if men will come to naturally counter-balance this by becoming increasingly vain like women. You already see younger men caring more about working out and a small decline in obesity among them.

i'm less upset about being white when i remember that even if i was poc i would still be roasted for being a man and then also for being straight lol. tough world. i feel bad for people that are into nfts or something, they getting mad roasted

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>This is having profound consequences on the country, as now young men have become extremely right wing: unherd.com/2022/02/will-incels-decide-koreas-election/
As always the journalist are throwing men under the bus. Worst korea would get destroyed by North Korea if it wasn't for men being drafted there, and this is how they are treated?! Why not just surrender to them? It's not even funny anymore

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Maybe they should defect to the nortnh and bring all there military equipment with them, it would be funny at least.

Be my fren kon poster.

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Looks like the commies might have the last laugh. Isn't life crazier than fantasy sometimes?

major cope there buddy

A similar survey in 2000 only found 11% saying the same thing...

This is how you know that all the people saying "its Asian men's fault for not being masculine enough!" Is bullshit.

Korean men in 2020 are no different from Korean men in 2000. An entire race of human beings does not change that fast and that's despite the fact that I'm a believer in nature over nurture and genetics realism.

What has changed in Korea since 2000? Feminism. Feminism entered Korea during the past 20 years. That's all that happened. Look at Thailand, the men there are not incels. 95% of the men in Thailand still get married, and that's despite the fact that Thai men have even more stereotypically unattractive features compared to Korean men (Thai men are shorter, poorer, and fatter).

Its because of feminism. It does bring a huge sense of relief to me though that Korean men are genuinely rebelling against feminism unlike the cucked men in the West who are putting up a half hearted fight against it.

How do we give the Korean men advice on how to destroy feminism? It would be a huge victory for the global right if South Korea actually managed to overcome feminism and restore the patriarchy.

To be honest korean women more than any other in the world seem to be evil demonspawn. Even if I was a chad I wouldn't go near them.

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>How do we give the Korean men advice on how to destroy feminism
I get the impression the feminism is inevitable in a sufficiently developed and free society, like porn. I don't see how much can be done about it without destroying the society itself.

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I met a Korean woman once, she was really sweet. But she was married so it makes sense.

The Megalians on the other hand, are definitely demonspawn. Agents of Satan himself.

Awesome and comfy

>in a sufficiently developed and free society

A free society, yes, a developed one... Not necessarily.

What you need to do is make it impossible for women to compete with men. Affirmative action should go the other way, if you have two equally qualified candidates, employers should be required to choose the man. The same needs to apply to the colleges. We need to discourage women from going to college or working at all. They need to be raised from childhood to seek out a marriage partner and they need to be told to search for a good man, who is decently responsible but not just try to marry into wealth.