Why are incels somehow different than this?

Why are incels somehow different than this?

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Because nobody likes desperation and incels are the very manifestation of desperation.

Because nobody is honest with themselves. Not everyone deserves romantic affection. The point of love and romance is to procreate, and utilizing your genes to create healthy offspring. If you are of untermensch status then you don't deserve to procreate, ergo you don't deserve love. Simple as.

It's not, any man speaking like this would be massacred on the internet

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different from what, though?

Both of these foid statements dont make any sense.

Oh shut the fuck up

Chad who is a virgin:I just dont have any experience with girl
You and all other women:OMG ID LOVE TO BE YOUR FIRST!

Because other males would weed out competition. and incels aren't attractive enough to get help from female anyway

>Chad who is a virgin
Anyone who looks like Chad wouldn't be desperate for female validation or sex because they would've been compensated with other aspects of being Chad like better socialization due to people naturally wanting to interact with them more and more female attention.

An incel who looks like shit would get zero validation and zero female attention, and that would cause more desperation to receive it. There is no compensating.

Shut up foid your literally proving me right by automatically handwaving anything once Chad is the subject. A virgin is only bad if its not Chad.

>person looks bad
>gets treated like shit
>person looks good
>gets treated like a good person

This is literally how the world works; if you look like shit and act desperate, you come off as desperate, if you look good and act desperate you won't come off as desperate.

Yh sorry no unlike you men can actually notice when a Chad is being creepy and weird where as you cant, you literally think Chad saying Im going to rape you right in your face is him being le confident and assertive, subhuman animal where as most guys would go "bro chillout",.

I have no idea how she doesn't have guys lining out the door. I'd pump her full of half-breeds in a heart beat.

I'm not a woman; I'm a 27-year-old KHV with a 4-inch penis, I'm literally stating how women and retards fall for the halo effect.

You dont have any experience with men none of us look at a Chad and think "what a great guy" we think "fuck this asshole" and then once we see what Chad does we think "what a great guy" meanwhile the foid

"OMG HES SO AMAZING" within 2 microseconds of seeing his face.

yeah, thats pretty much how it is. no matter how you act, its how you look that determines how people see you. confidence vs arrogance, shy vs creepy loner, bad boy vs antisocial asshole who should be locked up, happy extrovert vs annoying loudmouth who wont stfu, hard working vs ass kissing suck up, passionate vs overly emotional, etc. list goes on and on. everyone knows about the halo effect but people rarely study the opposite, the 'failo' effect that ugly people have.

You're a delusional retard with no reading comprehension, have a nice day.

Why are you talking about clothing when you are talking about the halo effect?

Based, this. Most modern people are fucked in the head and weant huggie wuggie crying feels shit due to neglected childhoods because busy parents, soishit, and birth control making women shit.

Whoever and is, they make an excellent point.
A lot of people don't even realize that robotism/social awkwardness is caused by your looks. Ugly people are much less likely to socialize when they're young due to insecurity issues and the fact that people aren't willing to approach them due to their ghastly appearance. This in turn causes ugly people to be introverted or anti-social.

I guarantee you that 8/10 incels/robots/outcasts are social awkward introverts BECAUSE they're ugly. While 1/10 is due to mental issues and the other 1/10 are mere outliers.

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>Not everyone deserves romantic affection
Then incels need to shut the fuck up and stop crying.
>The point of love and romance is to procreate, and utilizing your genes to create healthy offspring.
LOL Being this retarded.

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>LOL Being this retarded.
That isn't at all retarded though? Literally only women think sex for having babies is bad because they're stupid and think that their career matter5s more than what they exist for.

Most women want kids. Even career types end up depressed with baby fever after their shitty middle management job goes nowhere.
Love and romance have very little to due with procreation. More and more people are now choosing to enter childless relationships, and some go as far as to eschew relationships entirely. Just hookup after hookup.