Has a girl ever stopped talking to you after you showed your face to them on the internet?

Has a girl ever stopped talking to you after you showed your face to them on the internet?

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Most I had was one r9k egirl say "that's what you look like? lol"

Not sure what to make of that.

Yes. A girl liked cartoon version of my face but ghosted my when i sent my real face.

No, but she stopped showing me her boobies after I did, it made me a little sad.

Multiple times. One example:
>meet girl (female) on WoW
>hit it off and spend a month talking on the phone every night
>she wants to trade pictures
>she's a qt3.14 somehow wtf
>send mine
>raucous laughter erupts in the background from what I assume is a friend or sister
>"that's what he looks like!?"
>"oh my god hahaha"
>phone hangs up
>next day discover I've been thrown out of guild and blocked for 'harassing a female member'

I have my face as my profile pic and a girl sent a friend request and then cancelled it.

yes, that's why i dont interact with people on the internet. I know it's going to end after they seen my face

lmao faggot
Couldn't you try to take a better picture
Come on, it can't be that hard

No, usually I ask for their picture first and then I run out of alcohol

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My dude the problem isn't the picture. Another one because I'm stuck in a meeting that could have been an email:
>super religious old coworker tells me this woman at his church heard about me via other people and is interested
>red flag but whatever let's go
>start texting, it works well, natural conversation flow and quick responses for days
>she friends me on faceberg, obviously trying to figure out what I look like
>no luck there, it's empty
>this weekend let's get dinner, have a few drinks, then go bowling
>find her at restaurant, she brought a friend
>I introduce myself and her face immediately falls, her friend grits her teeth
>good 2-3 seconds before they both fix their faces
>friend excuses herself since it was a date
>friend has convenient car trouble and bowling is canceled
>she tells the coworker that I was nice but we "didn't click"

yeah lol
but i only showed my face when they begged for it

Ugly fellas can't into surprise dates fagget
You need to date a person who knows you or a fat drunk girl will do the trick

Smartphones with cameras ended it all gor ugly people

I once smiled at a woman I didn't know in public.
She looked disturbed.

Twice in my life objectively tall yet somehow very attractive women have looked at me with morbid curiosity.

Most of the time I try not to look at women. Escorts aside (after my medical circumcision) I want to live in a woman free world.

All the time on omegle

Why do you retards think there are non Chadosexual women?

Man why don't you people get face cosmetic.

Yes, around 12 years ago a local girl found me online after I raided some chat she was in and proceeded to talk to me at length literally every day for months. She kept pestering me for pics and sent hers a few times. Eventually I relented and she said a few more things then did the "I gotta go" and never came back online lmao.

She wasn't even that attractive, she had a refrigerator body and round face but I guess that's still too good for me.
Currently a 32 year old wizard, I gave up a long time ago.

Yeah no shit but surprise dates are the only thing I can consistently pull off. I'm 6'2", no kids or previous marriages, STEM job + the word "Senior" in my title. Roasties get wind of that and get excited until I crush their dreams. Speaking of fat and ugly, though:
>previous job
>Chad coworker correctly identifies me as good wingman material
>start regularly meeting women with him because the hot girl always wants to bring her ugly friend
>always ends predictably but I'm a glutton for punishment and I'm getting my booze paid for
>fat bartender at Popular Independent Sports Bar catches feels for Chad hard
>she and other better-looking bartenders start hanging out with us all over town
>my coworker keeps trying to direct her toward me
>her coworkers keep trying to direct her toward me
>I directly ask her out several times, she's always 'busy'
>she gets shitfaced one night and starts texting me asking why Chad isn't interested in her and what happened to all the good men, etc
I didn't stop doing that crap until I found myself on Chad's couch one morning, hungover as hell, waking up to the sound of him loudly plowing a girl in another room. Decided I was done cucking myself and actually managed to stop drinking for a while.

here's some advice:
how you look on photo depends 90% of the time on the angle and facial expression
the first time my bf sent me a photo he didn't look the best, so i gave him advice about angles and told him to make a neutral expression and then send more, and in the new photos he actually looked pretty cute. and after meeting up irl he looked even better.

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Fuck off with your stupid normie advice, whore

Kill yourself fucking whore

stay single then user

Yeah, and I should take cold showers, and get a different haircut, and buy better clothes, and just be myself, and...

no, but one started pestering me to talk to her more often because i showed face and then ghosted me when i said no

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They usually talk to me more when I post face. I ghost them if they do.

No one values the opinion of women here. I'll stay single, thanks