These foids are more worried about who is in the right than actually preventing themselves from being a victim...

These foids are more worried about who is in the right than actually preventing themselves from being a victim. My mugger being "in the wrong" isn't going to get me my fucking money back. And when abuse-chad is taking their cheeks by force, him being "wrong" isn't going to reverse the mental scars. Men change their behavior all the time to avoid getting mugged/stapped/raped so why can't they just stop dressing like whores?

Its like they lack basic street smarts and common sense then turn around and blame incels and men as a whole.

Don't want to get robbed/raped/assaulted? Then:
-don't draw attention to yourself by dressing like a whore or wear expensive luxury items
-Know the area
-Walk in groups
-Carry a weapon

You getting raped isn't my problem roasties.
Deal with it own your own.

Attached: risk.png (1043x2669, 648.04K)

For women, there are positive and negatives to the consequences of their actions.
So while yes, they enjoyed the sex while getting "raped" by chad, they don't enjoy the stigma that it makes them seem loose and that it makes the man seem frivolous. Which, frankly, to be raping a woman he has to be.
However, a woman cannot ascribe negative characteristics to an attractive chad even if she's just been "raped" by him, so it comes as no surprise that men in general but most of all unattractive men have to pay the social price of chad's alleged carnal despoilment

Reason deserves to be called a prophet

I bet these same women will say that beating up fascists is okay because they provoked it with wrongthink.

for sure.
These bitches and 99% of leddit is "trust the science wear a mask" But if you tell these whores that dressing like a prostitute will deter RapeChad they freak out.

>that dressing
that not* dressing

>being naked isnt provocative
why dont they travel to an indian slum then strip naked to test that theory

Women have no concept of self responsibility.

that faggot is blaming Women that's why its wrong. no matter how she dresses, rape is wrong period.

its not that it isn't good advice, but youre essentially telling a rape victim its her fault.

well then those indian slummers are animals. just say "treat men as if they are animals, dress for protection and carry a weapon and avoid being alone."

see what i did there? i am placing blame on men, where it belongs. we are supposed to have a brain and know between right and wrong

Rape being wrong wont change the fact you got raped. We know rape its wrong. Its against the law and has a severe punishment. Wont change the fact that people still rape. You can either change your behavior and ADAPT or be a victim. The choice is yours.

We know. This retardation with women has been going on for a hundred years.

No matter how times you tell them they can't grasp that life is not fair. Because intellectually they stop developing around adolescence and have been awarded immense privilege.

BTW roasties - Safet Is A Privilege, Not A Right

There was a police officer that spoke at a women's conference on campus. He ended up getting viciously cancelled and lost his job. His message was basically what you're saying, dress to cover your body, walk in groups, stay out of dark areas. They turned it around and said he was victim-blaming. That he was a police officer giving them advice on how to avoid sexual criminals was totally lost on the crowd.

That IS what OP is saying.
Surely he can explain all the rapes where the person isn't wearing skimpy clothing, or is underage, or is in a group.

i get what youre saying but im saying have some empathy. see

women can't fathom the idea of being wrong. they would rather blame men for their problems instead of realizing that they're the problem.

in their minds, they're the best version of themselves, therefore, they only deserve the best.

women truly overstate their worth.

he did nothing wrong.
i cant. rape is wrong, men are animals when triggered/provoked.

shut the fuck up, retard. that post was so juvenile i think you're an underaged idiot

Safety SHOULD be a right.

Well here in reality there is literally no way to implement 100% safety for everyone. Real life aint a disney cartoon.

you're right. we can say what we need to without blaming rape victims/victims of violence.

i blame niggers and niggerkin

I want OP to explain not you, he downvoted someone with a source that showed a toddler being raped, must not be the rapists fault, the newborn was dressed like a slut.

OP wouldn't blame the rapist if a women was dressed conservatively, was walking under streetlights with a group and had pepperspray, first of all, not a middle eastern country, and second, rapists can be in groups and have weapons too.