Why is the world full of such horrible people?

A mother and father abandoned this poor baby after it was born just because they looked a bit different

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In the ancient world babies would be killed if they were born deformed or something.

We should bring back the old customs

seems like a mother and her father desu

Damn, I'm not sure what's worse. Being born a nigger or being born a nigger and a deformed monstrosity at the same time.
I just wanna chuck it at a wall really hard or something. It probably doesn't even cry. Just high pitched screeches. God, that's disgusting.

I miss ancient times when people didn't even pretend to care about this shit and would just throw it off a cliff
I should have met my end like that

Also just realized that with how fucking stupid normalfags are, the family of this thing are going to try and keep it alive, wasting so many unnecessary resources and so much time and money.

Lil nigga looks like sum HP Lovecraft shit

this picture destroys the natalist

spoopily freakily deakily eerie ghostly suc hoomans

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This is why we have an uncanny valley sense.

just abort or try again
aint that hard
only fags have feelings towards deformed freaks


>I should have met my end like that

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I completely agree.
I'm actually against abortions in general, I think people treat them far too flippantly, but I think that all deformed creatures should be aborted.
I can't imagine what goes through the head of a person who gets an ultrasound and sees that the child will be horribly deformed but chooses to keep it.

>We're all made in God's image

I recognize your voice. Keep on doing the vocaroo's

I finally get religion now. Evil, curses, sin = bad genes. Good, blessings, virtue = good genes. Thats why the genetically superior feel justified in terrorizing deformed weaklings, because they are following Gods will

this guy is proof that there's literally no such thing as an incel.

What makes it okay make freaks liek this? You realize his "wife" must be nasty as fucking hell right? He's probably taking pills daily to not kil himself and is empty inside. He says he tells that little freak its beautiful every day.

You have to admit, the baby does look a bit cute

I've always been fascinated with mutants like pic related.
How does its mind operate when both its hemispheres are fused together? Is it even sentient or aware of anything? If so, what's the world like from its point of it.
I wouldn't keeping it alive for research purposes. I don't think its suffering, I don't think it has much awareness, if yeah. But yeah, if my actual child (who I want see grow up healthy and strong) was going to be severely deformed or mentally retarded, I'd abort.

Attached: frog baby.jpg (480x659, 68.67K)

>I don't think it has much awareness, if yeah.
*if any

It looks like big chungus

That's a puppet.