Why are woman like this ?

Why are woman like this ?
A nice and useful room with comfortable seats and a gym bench
A TV in the optimal position
Uncomfortable seats towards a fake brick wall and a bench under a dart board
A TV that no one will watch

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this is just proof women like aesthetics more than actual effort and usefulness

Fucking leafs lmao

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A bar area is objectively more useful than some corner you could play video games in. It saves a ton of money as long as your friends can easily come over

>It saves a ton of money as long as your friends can easily come over
The fact that drinking at home is cheaper than drinking out does not change unavoidable truth that drinking itself is a waste of money, and anything that would encourage such behavior can never be "useful" in an absolute sense

The only time that bar area would be useful is when he invites some friends over to watch tv on the living room and then his wife walks in to bitch about why they aren't using that bar.

In an objective sense, I was still being accurate and logical

>before you could work out and relax there daily
>after you could get fat off alcohol with "your" (her) friends, most likely used once a week max

>A bar area is objectively more useful than some corner you could play video games in.
>invite friends over for drinks once a month for a few hours MAYBE
>the rest on the time the area is a complete and total waste of space

that faggot got cucked out of the one area of the house he still had control of. he has nothing, he's forfeit everything to his wife and both of them will begin to hate him for it

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Probably 3 times a week, and still more useful than a cuck corner. You can still work out, I doubt he threw away his weights

Your "accurate and logical" argument would support moving closer to your meth dealer to save gas and time, Mr. Spock.

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Imagine thinking growing up means using meth, cowboy

>It saves a ton of money as long as your friends can easily come over

How does this save money? Are you aware that You don't need a bar to actually drink alcohol in your home?

My take is that she basically ruined his setup. Gym equipment and workout zone actually improves quality of life in ways a bar can never match.

Unless the dude is some craft beer dork who wants to sit around with his friends and drink all night what's the point?

What the fuck are the chairs there for?

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There is not even a place to store bottles or glass available
You'll never come to this room alone
And if you drink alcohol you're just a piece of shit

Can't tell if retarded or female...
Post tits regardless

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Its a poorfag situation to be sure, but its still a more useful set up

>Here is an aesthetic room
>yes, it is very uncomfortable to sit in
>No, we do not spend any time down here, it actually makes a lot more sense for us to enjoy our beverages upstairs and in the living room, where we had the space to arrange things comfortably for that sort of thing
>No, my husband doesn't find it frustrating that he can't play his video games anytime I want to watch TV now, because the games are only in the living room, and I never want to come down to this basement where he used to game

Redditors ruin everything

>playing video games after age 17
Do you think his wife fucks black guys too?

thats where the soi boy beta bitch husband sits when his domineering wife wants to humiliate him in from of her (not his) kidz

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same thing as the bench by a dart board. To fill up empty space for cool instagram angles.

>"Cool wall, bro."
>*sips beer*

shes too busy taking instagram selfies in her basement

video games arent the problem, surrendering the last area in the house you had control over is. posting it on redd1t is the cherry on top of his cuck sandwich

Why ? You go from a functional room where you go almost every day, to a poorly organized room with uncomfortable seats facing a wall

imagine your wife removes your room of personal satisfaction and self-improvement and replaces it with an excuse to invite other men over to drink with her in your own home, and your response to this is "always trust your wife"

This isn't just women user... Most people don't understand anything about design at all
Kanye west may be a meme but his interiors are fucking god tier
Show this to any normie and tell them its your living room + kitchen and they will freak the fuck out saying "i'ts not homely", "no character", "I could never live here"
Minimalism like this is like a test of the mind seeing how many distractions you need in your life to function normally
Peak architecture is brutalism combined with minimalism and monumentalism

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because women are fucking retarded. i cant stress this enough

Because its more comfy now and serves as a bar. If it really was the only place for his weights then its pathetic, but you get much more use out of a social space than a lonely cuck space

only autistic virgins actually like brutalism. !!!FACT!!!

i wonder which one of them paid for all of that

>Hey guys, come hang out and stare at wall

How exactly is drinking to be preferred gaming and exercise?
You want to drink every days and destroy your body ?

>self improvement and video games
as opposed to her bringing home guys to get drunk with her in your basement?

Some of the most fucked in buildings of all time are brutalist

can't wait to sit and stare at a fucking wall, or the dust falling through the hallway

>something can be more offensive than other styles therefore its bad

based and cavepilled. imagine needing a 100 pieces of furniture when a single slab does the same job but better

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lmao shut up you pretentious midwit


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The irony is that wealthy people own many homes with various interiors and your idealized concept of minimalism is impossible in a small space or with cheap materials, so its actually just a form of extreme excess waste, just streamlined at first glance. Its like saying iPhones are minimalist

are you implying that german whorehouses are the peak of architecture?

Reminds me of Rick Rubin, who has nothing but white floors/walls/ceilings and almost no furniture in order to block any distractions from thought