It's over

>one shot at life
>born an ugly male in the era of social media and tinder
I literally lose all motivation to do anything when I look in the mirror. No one's waiting for me at home, no future, just consoom, rinse and repeat. Why did they give birth to me? Some nights are worse than other, I can't even contain my tears and no one knows or even cares. I only have me and myself but I hate myself. I hate it all

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R9k is not a place to post feels anymore, user.

If you can't get laid just move on and do something else.
>Be highschool dropout
>Somehow get into acting school
>Degenerate fuckfest
>Only one not getting laid
>Focus on getting good at acting
>Work in a team of chads and stacies
>Respected despite incel status due to good work ethics
>Top of my school now, involved in multiple projects
>Still no sex
>Don't care anymore

This tldr. I now just build stacks of cash running my business. Rubber pussy works well... I take vacations often and have sex as much as I want.

Sounds like a miserable existence. I already have a good career, it hasn't made me happy

I like making movies, it doesn't pay much and more than half of the project never release but I have fun doing it.
I mean reality is absolute garbage so making a living in fantasy land is pretty cool, it's like getting paid to be in an isekai.
Whenever I'm not working I just stay in my room and play video games and then when I'm working I get to be in fantasy land and have a cool adventure, I basically don't live in the real world anymore, the only non scripted interactions I have are going to the bakery to get lunch and going to meetings to write the next project.

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No, I meant just being constantly surrounded by zoomers who have sex and all. 90% of people I work with are older guys thank God

What difference does it make? They don't talk about sex all the time, they talk about work and current stuff relevant to the conversation.
Of course there's people like that, that do nothing but fuck and party, I've seen them in class but never on set because stupid STD collectors don't get parts.
Actually I've worked with someone like that in the past, showed up drunk, kept talking about how we gotta have a big party after work then flirted with everyone and didn't contribute anything on set.
Everyone was pissed off about it and the bitch never got to work with us again.
My point is people who's life are defined by sex are annoying to everyone, you don't have to be an incel to know people like that are dumb as shit and should be avoided

What kind of movies do you make??

ugly people don't often get to be actors either

Mostly shorts with my friends.
The only one we released so far is a feel good thing about a neet (me) getting forced by his friends to hang out outside and do dumb shit.
The one I'm currently doing I play a stand up comedian stuck in purgatory except there's classic sitcom laugh tracks (character is heavily inspired by jerma)
Then I'm gonna do some stoner thing where I'm an incel getting cucked then I go to another dimension because I od or something, not too clear on that one I havent got the script yet.
Then last one I'm aware of I play the antagonist, a schizo drug dealer crime lord introduced as an unstoppable force of evil that later becomes more of a comic relief, really looking forward to that one I feel it's gonna be pretty fun.

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Yeah, apparently it's about brain-damaged retards, homos, foids, and trannies demoralizing men in every conceivable way.

And that's the things I do outside of class, we shoot scenes everyday in class and since the projects are so close to each other I basically spend 2 to 3 hours a day out of character (in the real world) it's fucking sick desu

Unless it's the ultimate villain roles

I've learned in class that this is a misconception.
Good looking people often are too cocky and end up bad actors because they rely too much on their looks, which is why good looking students often get picked up by modeling agencies and don't get any parts.
I think that's actually the most common thing I've heard in class, "Go back to modeling if you wanna look good" I've heard it a million times.
For example when you're told to cry you should go all out, snot coming out of nose and all, most students hide their faces because they don't want to look ugly on camera, this applies to every emotion, if you don't want to be ugly on camera you shouldn't do acting.

Based as fuck. Just scroogemaxxx. Have tunnel vision focus on your cash flow only. Have sex with all the whores you want when you need to when you make it, if you need female companionship just get a poodle or something. 99% of Any Forums's problems solved.

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Sounds like you made life work for you user, and it's pretty funny that all of your skits sound like some legit Any Forums-derived plotlines. Bravo.

Money is one of those things that seems important asf when you're a little younger. You want a new PC, mom says "no, it costs too much", etc. Naturally, there's this internalization that consumable items will make you happy but then, once you have enough money to buy what you want, you realize that consooming is pretty dead. The excitement of everything is followed by swift boredom. The best thing about money is security imo. Worrying about poverty paired with loneliness would've been a disaster but other than that, hoarding money changes nothing. I will die and some charity or government will take everything while I lived a depressed and lonely life. What good would it have done for me?

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Money can buy experiences, and that is good enough for me. Obviously, with no creativity money has almost no value. But if you want to do cool shit you're gonna need loads of emone. When I'm broke I can't do shit except for sit at my computer.

Any good examples?

well, you're lucky you still have the ability to be around anyone at all even. I can't stand being next to people or communicating with new people anymore I just feel like I don't have the mental energy for it now

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