Doesn't Mr Putin realise that he has caused millions and millions of Ukrainians to become displaced and seek refuge in western Europe?

We have no choice but to accept and help them. They're going to stay here forever and never leave. You think Oleksandr and Valentina will willingly leave after 3 years in Berlin at the German taxpayer's expense with state mandated gfs/bfs? No fucking way

And why did he do it? Because some Sergey and his mummy were living in a block of flats on the border getting 'protection' from local Ukrainian gangsters? Thanks Mr Putin, genius. You've shit up the entirety of western Europe. Now you and your mates are never stepping foot here again. Fuck off

Attached: Good Morning Mr Putin.jpg (1230x757, 60.85K)

All the Slavs are in Slavland
Also most of them probably went into Russia it's just being suppressed by the western media because it doesn't fit the narrative of evil Russia attacking Europeans.

fuck off back to Any Forums and make original posts there

Why can't I talk about current news with fellow virgins

If you want to talk politics with virgins go back to pol you bottomfeeder

Not that user, but it's basically impossible to talk about world news in Any Forums since that board is overrun with russian shills and retarded far righties who live in their own echo chamber


Exactly. I think about 75% of Any Forums are bots

Putler is going to fall

I'm sure Putrid's cronies are currently having backdoor discussions and deals regarding his unfortunate passing.

Possibly. You think any of them actually have the spine to do it? I saw his spy chief almost cry when Putin asked him a question outside the scope of his speech. If that's the top spy guy, I mean....

He must be shaking right now

Attached: 1646416497183m.jpg (766x1024, 73.65K)

Who's this agian? I forgot

>Looks at pic
Lmfao. Is this FUCKING real life???

Goblinus Minchenko

Zelensky trained and funded murderous Azov Nazis who killed innocent russians for 8 years straight.

Attached: Neo-Nazis-March-in-Ukraine-768x432.jpg (768x432, 52.5K)

how thunderf00t has fallen, fuck. me.

Yh I think I'm team Russia now
Sorry chuds

>Lefties and trannies are supporting literal neo Nazi terrorists and serial killers now
Kek. Clown world.

Okay. Let's imagine that this is true. Let's take it as true for the conversation (I'm not sure that it is, Zelensky is a fucking jewish comedian, but let's say that it is).

Why is Putin invading the entirety of Ukraine and shelling civilians? Why hasn't Putin taken this matter to an international court before? Why has Putin never publicly complained or commented about this before? Why haven't the Russians tried to relocate the native Russians there before declaring war?

Just answer that: why hasn't a single peaceful avenue that would surely work been tried yet? Why does he immediately go to war and displace an entire nation to enter western Europe? It seems to me that he is trying to inflict damage upon the west by causing millions more refugees to enter and live there.

i don't fucking care, ok? go back to pol if you're gonna post about this shit.
you do realize that putin is on the same team as all the bad guy globalists, right? the leaders of the world want to get as close to martial law - covid was a good first try, but they realized the lockdowns won't last forever because how viruses mutate, especially airborne viruses. with more mutations, comes less a less fatal disease that's easily transferred. it's a survival mechanism of the virus, since it'll die if the host dies.
so, what else can last for years, maybe decades? a nuclear scare. the entire cold war made it very easy for governments to act how they want, with the reasoning being "we need to deter war"
so, what better way to back the civilians into a corner? war theatrics, they've done it before. look at the wars in the middle east.
further, like the wars in the middle east - energy plays a big role in this.
even look at the most recent scare with russia/ukraine - a nuclear facility was allegedly set on fire, causing increases in radiation levels. if all of this war is being funded by a reliance on russian oil (america gives them 700mil usd daily, despite "sanctions") then what's the best way to avoid reliance on fossil fuels? nuclear. but who would want nuclear if it's something targeted by "enemies"
wake up
>t. schizo

>i dont care, go away
>makes the longest post in the thread yet
>t. schizo
yeah checks out

thank you, i'm just doing my part. now for me fuck off from this thread and summon my succubus.

Nothing major ever happens. Hmu when there's a nuclear war

>hey r/9k, what do you think le heckin' current affairs?
Just leave