Why not just get a slutty tomboy gf?

Why not just get a slutty tomboy gf?

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I didn't know it was that easy.

They don't exist and women don't talk to me

Good lord this is giving me such an erection, why did God make me a cuck?

Nothing wrong with being turned on by sluts

why would you want a slut for a gf?

for a fuckbuddy maybe, but not a gf

Why would i allow MY woman to fuck other men?

Um you don't own her????
Maybe cause a woman's past doesn't define her present?

why would she let ME sleep with other women? Im her man no?

This cuckold shit has genuinely affected my brain. And it's not even in the sense of "oh wow look at me I'm a cuck too". I've become more angry and neurotic as a person since cuck shit grew in popularity and became casually posted on not just le 4chang, but even places as far as Jewtube.
I've told this story once or twice before, but I'll say it again for good measure. This lady walked into a room I was in, and started making eye contact with me as she passed by. I just stared at her in her eyes, and I genuinely felt an incredible amount of hatred and spite. She was pretty attractive, don't get me wrong, but I think that only made my anger worse. As she continued to look at me, and made a little movement with her eyebrows - raising and lowering them a few times in rapid succession - I could think about nothing but gouging her goddamn eyes out with a fucking spoon and eating them.
This cuck shit has made me believe all women are actively cheating on me, but because I'm not ugly and could probably be considered a "chad" by most lookist groups, I end up constantly having situations where I feel nothing but furious anger at women who give me attention.

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I'm ok with the sluttiness desu. I just don't like that she's submissive ewwww.

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the solution to cure this is to cuck someone

I volunteer :3

I've already "cucked" someone, that person was my friend. He really didn't want her, she never got the message, so I just woo'd her over him. We were all ~14 at the time, that was when I lost my virginity. anyways fuck off

Fuck. I was on the exact opposite end of that equation. My friend swooped up the girl I was into in High School and I spent 2 more years alone before going to college and being FA all through that too.

And why the fuck do you think it's a good solution to become a cuck? Jesus christ man, if you have that kind of attitude towards it - to fetishize your failures rather than learn from them - then you should kill yourself, honestly. you just make me fucking sad.

quotation marks means it's not real
you seem really angry for no reason

This is 100% true and you are 100% fucked

I'm not a cuck, I think you have me confused with another poster. That was my first post in this thread, user. No, my solution is to continue trying and failing until I hit my 30s in a few years and then to import and marry a slavic girl. I think I'd be a good partner but I just can't catch a chance.

>no reason
no reason
>no reason
no reason

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Yeah, I thought you were the fag using the fucking tranny emoticon who said he'd volunteer to be cucked.
Anyways, I wouldn't place your bets on slavic women. If I were you, and I was genuinely desperate, I'd do fucktons of calithenics to get that ape physique and learn Hindi so I could go to india and get some middle-caste chick who would be loyal on the simple fact that I'd fit in amongst the High-Caste of India.

PatrickBattermanposting is the best posting. I even read it with his voice

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If this happened to me irl I'd be just as sad as angry. Angry that my "friends" betrayed me and that she's a whore, angry that I was foolish enough to be fooled by a pretty face. Sad that if she was raised better there might be a future for us. Like I'm in the wrong timeline.

Same, but not because of the cuckahit, though.

Look man I know that I'm clearly trying to associate myself with Patrick Bateman, but can you - for the love of God - please understand this is a serious issue that I have no recourse within?

cuck stuff seems to just be an inverted power fantasy. when you live at the tail end of history with essentially no stakes because of unfathomable privilege and wealth (speaking as an empire, not an individual), the only thing that is truly taboo is the most intimate of betrayals.

except... with cuck shit, it's not even a proper betrayal? it's more of a weird racist corruption meme, like haha yeah all women ARE sluts, they just play deep-cover long cons like getting married and having a bunch of kids and then waiting for their husband to suggest she has sex with strangers at a hotel while he videotapes.

yeah babe, i definitely was secretly longing for black guys. i just, you know, exclusively dated white men, married a white man, had 3 white kids and live in an all-white suburb as far as possible from black poverty because of how secretly i want to get plowed by a black guy

it's especially weird when you see an amateur video on pornhub and the woman is wearing like a sleep mask or looks uncomfortable and is clearly just... performing because it's really about pleasing her cuck husband and she doesn't actually care about the sex itself. like looking at him for approval or confirmation that he's getting off on this, because she sure isn't

idk cuck stuff to me is best left as erotica, because it's basically "porn with a story" to get people more invested. the second i see posts of people discussing their miserable open relationships or wife swapping shit etc i just start immediately picture middle-aged american fatsos and it makes me feel sad and yucky

like most americans are fat and gross. who cares if your fat wife sleeps around, yuck

>"one of the boys"
>girls are too much drama
>is a slut
actually incredibly accurate

>actually incredibly accurate
it's statements like these that contribute to my neuroticism and fanatic misogyny
t. the batemanposter

>doesn't get dubs

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