Are men choosing to be single or is it a meme pushed by the media and woman have higher standards

are men choosing to be single or is it a meme pushed by the media and woman have higher standards

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Technically, we are choosing. No man wants to put all the effort required into getting a woman just to get a mediocre girl. Women in general are pretty underwhelming unless she is Stacy.

We're all dying from health problems and have been since the early 00's. We just mask them with Internet usage.

you are literally subhuman and just a piece of furniture to basically all women if you're under 5'9

>woman have higher standards
this is it. women would rather be alone than date a man who isnt in the top 10% of all men.

Both. Women's standards are too high and it's causing men to choose to be single rather than pursue them. Even if a woman would settle for you, what's the point if she won't actually like you and find you attractive?

>Both. Women's standards are too high and it's causing men to choose to be single rather than pursue them.
and yet tinder is 90% men i dont think men are choosing anything and are forced to be alone

Definitely choosing. Just like Japan, more men are choosing videogames and pornography than irl human interaction because they're lazy.

Your meme will never catch on

Things are getting harder for men in terms of finding a mate, women are having higher and higher standards both because they're rising in the work force and education and because of dating apps. Men are disenchanted and there are available escapes and mediums to cope and replace what they would otherwise have to work really hard to get.

>because they're lazy
The juice just ain't worth the squeeze. Why would I put all this effort in, just to land skme ex slut. No thanks

The majority of women don't need to use Tinder or any other dating sites because they can have a constant stream of men pursuing them just by going outside regularly.

>are men choosing
No men are censored, coerced

Western men are a meme. You've literally followed the footsteps of soi chugging nips and cucked yourself out of the gene pool forever. Probably a good thing nonetheless.

It's not just that women's standards are up, it's that they're up and they are deluded about their own station.

Women fuck up and across, they don't fuck down and they'd really prefer to fuck up rather than across. Hypergamy wasn't a huge barrier to marriage in the recent past though, when men generally did have higher status/resources/achievement than women, so any woman could feel like she was marrying up with most men. The problem is women getting pressed more into the workforce, getting more education and "achieving" higher statuses. They make more money and get more degrees than ever before. When a woman has a high education level and is making good money, she cannot settle for a man with lower education or less money. It's just impossible for her, because she perceives herself as having a certain status that must be beaten. Unfortunately for her, there's not many guys who meet those standards, and it gets worse the older she gets; and every woman is procrastinating until at least her late 20s now.

This is where the delusion is. She thinks she deserves more and more man the longer she works and the more successful she is, but she is only vaguely aware that men don't care about education or careers at all. Men want young, attractive women who are loyal and don't come with too much baggage. That's it. Not only is a career not needed to meet these standards, it's actually worse to have a career than not have one. If you have a career you're generally waiting until your late 20s to start any serious relationship at all - when your looks are starting to fade, you've fucked too many men to be loyal and those hundred anonymous cocks have also left you with a heap of baggage. If you have a part-time gig at Forever 21 and live at home with your parents, you're younger, fresher, more attractive, and won't have as much trouble cleaving to your husband's life. Hell, if you're really poor/dumb you might not even have student debt to weigh you down.

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That's cool, I have zero issue with purityfag incels who consume porn all day electively genociding themselves.

Whatever fag, you'll feel the effects of men dropping out of society no matter what. I don't care

Okay. lol. Why do feel the need to say it out loud? Why are you on Any Forums? Get lost, loser. No one wants to play your game.

I really don't think you understand how dangerous a group of men - even skinnyfat inkwells - can be. Seriously man, have you thought about the house of cards that is the infrastructure most people, including you, need to survive at this point?

Who really knows honestly? I just follow my instincts when I reject a girl. I don't want to hurt anyone by pretending to like them but maybe my standards are wrong. Life is too much

It's interesting to consider the future, especially with us shifting from a unipolar America/liberal world to a multipolar West vs Russia vs China world. For real competition the West is going to need its men to be enthusiastic and ready to sacrifice. And...well, I don't know how unusual I am, but I'm just not going to help much. I'm not driven, I have little to look forward to, and I have no love for a society that was quite happy to let me fall through the cracks. If any significant portion of men is like me, we don't even have to get violent to ruin everything, it's bad enough to just not show up.

I choose to be single because I know I'd absolutely be a domestic abuser if I was in a relationship. I have the incel tier hatred and disgust for women, despite finding them attractive. When they have opinions or exercise any autonomy or authority I feel an instinctual revulsion.

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