People who don't use social media; why?

People who don't use social media; why?

Don't you get bored / lonely?

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I guess Any Forums is my social media and treatment for when I'm lonely ha ha (ha ha).

it makes me feel more lonely, it's way easier to ignore loneliness if you don't have any social media

There's no need. I am alone in my thoughts, working and such.

Because its boring as fuck, including this site, but at least I do something here, I write crap and have people replying to me. Instead of bottomless surfing of normalfag propaganda.
Even tho this site is shit, I just come here when my life becomes shitty

>People who don't use social media; why?
There's nothing in it, just rehashes of the same shit over and over again.

I have nothing to do with such meager companionship, with or without social media

I don't use social media because there's nothing on there for me, it's full of pathetic limp wristed normies who seeth at the smaller insult. Ever since I've become apepilled I've been on a journey of achieving ultimate power,once I reach my destination no evil shall stand against me without feeling the full wrath of my ancestors.

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theres no point for me at least, i dont care about "connecting" or "sharing expiriences" with faggot normies online

Constant, quick, easily accessible hits of dopamine. I avoid tiktok like the plague, that shit literally turns people's brains into grey mush.

Does plebbit count as sm?
I've recently become obsessed with mushroom, want to grow psilocybin cubensis in me gaff

>Does plebbit count as sm?

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I dont have any friends normie so there is no reason for me to use social media ever.

I don't use social media because I have no friends, dumbfuck

i do but it was worse when i was on there
nobody would talk to me. id just browse my feed looking at how happy all of my old friends were. sad stuff so i deleted my account.

Any Forums counts as social media right?

Another Vincent? This board ain't big enough for the both of us...

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Any Forums is social media.

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Because seeing people I used to go to school with have houses nice careers hot wifes kids and fulfilling lives really is not

Fun when your a shut in neet*

Any Forums is social media though so we all use it by default

I don't like sharing shit about my life or taking pictures every 15 minutes. Feels empty and shallow.

To be honest, I guess I'm afraid to interact with people, always have been. They get so bent out of shape over almost nothing and try to ruin your life over it. At least here when people get mad over dumb shit here they tend to just sperg and call you a faggot

ya the thing with normies these days. theyre like, updated gen 5 turbo normies. like, idek how to describe it. toxic af. always talking behind your back, conspiring, smiling to your face but also plotting your murder because you said something generally ofensive by msm terms.