Has this ever been literally you?

Has this ever been literally you?

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Who is making these edits?

ew. frotting/kissing/cuddling/oral are way better

tranny discord, full of NEETs and the usual rabble

>things that never happen
if a dude is willing to get dicked by guys, he isn't going to be dealing with womens shit at all
there is no reason for him to be talking to a woman in that situation

No, i became gay because i hung out around tttt and one of my IRL friend was fucking gay. I cut contacts and now i'm hetero again

Non reproductive sex of any kind is disgusting. Do not misuse the gifts of God: Intelligence, Strength, Speech, Reproduction or any other. If you are not clever enough to detach yourself from material urges independently, do not try to follow those who do as it only leads to degeneracy. Dedicate yourself solely to making material change that you can look on and be proud of before you die.

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>tell me you've never actually had gay sex without saying it
Anal is literally the only good thing about gay sex, prostate stimulation is peak

not if you can't even stimulate your prostate no matter how many months you practice. i am 100% convinced it's a genetic thing

I miss the gay bashing days

oh yeah then give me a nice woman to reproduce with!

Pleasure is a gift of God too. As long as it's not abused it's fine

God can have his gifts back. I am tired of them

>If you are not clever enough to detach yourself from material urges independently
Says the monkey who feels the urge to impose his views on others and make people suffer

>Dedicate yourself solely to making material change that you can look on and be proud of before you die.

You can do this without reproducing, however, in managing to amount to something in life, you will probably find someone who admires you for what you are doing.

what about "man shall leave his parents to a wife and they shall become one flesh"? everyone should be married, it's literal torture to live your entire life without feeling love

I have no wish to impose my views on others besides by posting them where they can be read. I try to live a very immaterial life, making software and mathematics in an ethical way while working on myself.

>>Dedicate yourself solely to making material change that you can look on and be proud of before you die.
I'm this fucking close to going to live in the woods 100% independent from society.
Good luck having contact with a woman at that point.
> you will probably find someone who admires you for what you are doing.
Women need to be aware of my existance for one.
And two, what I'm doing doesn't appeal to majority of people, so majority wont find any value in it.

Why is it okay for women to be sluts but men can't be equally bad?

Don't quote the bible at me. I am not christian or necessarily of any other faith. I believe in a God as detailed in the proof by Godel that I originally posted. A God of only positive properties, including that he loves you.

so why would anyone care about what you said? you were speaking from authority yet you have nothing to back up that authority. at least christcucks have their bible to quote out of context, you have nothing

Let me tell you another interesting thought that may be relevant to you. It is often easy to see how men behave like animals. In the way they compete for food, sex or safety. It is difficult to see how on could exaggerate the human qualities of oneself. This is what I believe you should pursue. That is why the last line of your post is very admirable to me.

Nonsense, some are called to the priesthood, deaconhood, vowed religious or a chaste single life. They need not intercourse nor romance.
I might choose the last one because Ive done things so perverse i do not deserve to be married

priestly chastity is single handedly responsible for the pedophilia and rapings of the church. even other religions that enforce chastity have that problem

No, pedophilia is a disordered inclination like homosexuality. It is not caused by being sexually frustrated. It is innate to the person. Homosexuals are automatically barred from the priesthood.

>It is difficult to see how on could exaggerate the human qualities of oneself. This is what I believe you should pursue.
Not entirely sure what you mean by this.
> That is why the last line of your post is very admirable to me.
Following my own principles and set of values because I believe in them being right is cute and all, but if it leads me to dying alone without having offspring than all the good and wisdom I have accumulated wont be passed on and thus rendered meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

Because it will lead you either to a more materially positive situation, or to a greater understanding of the explanation of what you percieve.
Christianity and other religions take a set of axioms written by 'prophets'. The mathematically described God that godel wrote of necessarily exists. You can contradict the axioms that lead to that existance, but the axioms themselves are not contradictory, as in other religions.

Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do.
1 Corinthians 7:8

you're denying current and historical facts. the church is the biggest source of pedophilia and rape
the old testament doesn't teach that. but then again, paul contradicts the old testament all the time. even jesus said to keep the commandments, yet paul says not to

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the argument of benefit does not justify speaking as authority, but it does justify speaking as advice or recommendation

Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.
Acts 10:15

Regardless, i do not want to cohabit with a female

>Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.
Ok, paedophilia is good

i don't care what paul says nor should you, paul contradicts both the old testament and jesus. his words were not divinely inspired, many people in the first century spoke against his deception, even peter did

A single human cannot understand itself. If we assume that all cognition comes from the brain, then in order to understand one's own brain to any non-zero level of abstraction (you can simulate your own brain, in fact you are right now), you would need to store the fact of the existance of each part of your brain, and some information about its function in order to make abstractions. This is clearly impossible given the physical constraint on the size of your brain.

That is a low level argument for why it is hard (and in some circumstances impossible) for humans to understand themselves entirely.

If you see that they are good, write them down (as I am). If they are good, then other people will write that you wrote them down.