The King of Shitters

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why do all deathmatch shitters look alike?
Pee'd on my baby guy and raped by niggers in prison guy look the same

It's the white thrash phenotype

Name a main eventer that makes you change the channel faster

Total dogshit. The epitome of a mudshow shitter. He better not get any ideas about trying to find his way back to the big leagues.

this guy looks like a mouth breathing 25 IQ retard

>aew fags tried to put this guy over as the next stone cold
kek what were they thinking?

He's slowly morphing into Nick Gage

The thing about him that I hate the most is the way he walks with his arms swinging around like a retard. Why does he think that’s what a badass would do kek

For the past 10 years or so DEAN has been the next Stone Cold, Terry Funk, Mick Foley, Brian Pillman and the Onita but never currently one of those guys, maybe he's finally going to do it when he's in his 50s.

The only thing stone cold in AEW is the audience

Disgusting piece of shit is killing the business. Makes me sick.

he looks like that fat ranch guy i keep seeing

One of the only guys in modern wrestling that stands out as more than a flippy happy to be here catch phrase reciter.

i shoot thought it was at first glance

>walks in circles around the ring
>slurs his speech more and more as time goes on
>hobbles around to the left side of the ring
>takes a swig of supposedly non-alcoholic beer
>stumbles to the right side of the ring
>grabs a razor and makes a cut across his forehead
>pulls down his pants and cuts off his dick

Hes looking more and more like Nick Gage

A bloated mess who never drew a dime?

based mox working the drones into a rent free seethe

le tough guy gimmick died as soon as he checked himself into rehab. does anyone still take him seriously?

I like him

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Roman "Minus 3 Milly" Reigns

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Yo what the fuck happened to my nigga Ambrose?? We need to get him home ASAP Tiny Wad is killing this man

man compare him here to how he looked in the stone cold interview
time is not a kind mistress

Yeah he's sloppy and Takeshita ran rings around him. But I still like him.

That's not Eddie Kingston