Male-only conscription

Sex discrimination in the draft has always irked me. I've always thought that it was stupid since soldiers fight with guns now, not swords, so women can do it too. I'm starting to wonder if this is the right way of thinking about it. If I'm playing devil's advocate, here are my thoughts on the matter:

Strength and speed are less necessary in modern warfare, but aren't obsolete. Men tend to be stronger and faster, so by considering them exclusively, you speed up the selection process for finding the most fit soldiers. Also, very few men can impregnate lots of women, so it could be necessary for future repopulation. What's more, people like me don't think this way about age-based conscription. In terms of strength, as good a case for drafting older men could be made for drafting women, but I see letting old guys getting a pass as being just fine for some reason.

What are your thoughts, robots?

>inb4 women are stupid so they would fuck missions up for the men
Women aren't aliens, they have brains
>inb4 this is because we live in a society of roasties who hate men
There isn't an elite group of women trying to fuck us over on this. Male leaders have always drafted men in the past and male leaders continue to do so today. There's just more women in power now.

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Eggs are more valuable than sperm. A man can impregnate multiple women, but a society's population growth is hard capped based on the number of women. It's how china fucked over its population growth by aborting females.
Not only are women less efficient in combat, but allowing them to serve limits your number of future soldiers.

> 2022 year
> humans still conscript and wage wars with human meat involved
When will you guys evolve at last?

>allowing them to serve limits your number of future soldiers
Interesting way of thinking about it

>humans still wage wars
It's silly, I know.

>cant hit woman

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Still doesn't change Wojak from being a low testosterone psychopath who wants to send women to war to die

Shouldnt the warriors be the one fucking women?

This one used to bother me too.

It just doesn't seem like that much of a problem. If your safety is actually threatened, do what you have to to keep yourself or others from getting injured. Don't go super-sayian, just deter/incapacitate. Otherwise, don't hit people. Disputes can be resolved by less violent, more psychopathic means.

Male-female military units are studied and almost always have more deaths. If women were drafted it means the women would take up the nice admin and paperwork jobs, and the men would be pushed out more onto frontlines.

And people question us when we hate women.

>almost always have more deaths
I'll take your word for it.

Are there that many more admin/paperwork jobs to fill? What about all female military units? Isn't a larger military a better one, even if mixed units have a higher death rate?

Women are shit at war because of their animal thought process that prevents rational clear headed decision making, put a foid in any male group and if shes isnt severely autistic she will fuck over efficiency and production.

Women don't have the same physical strength, endurance, or reaction time as men and all of these are crucial in the field, especially being able to keep up with others. There's no privacy. It's my understanding the military has done numerous studies showing that men don't act the same around female soldiers and it translates into them endangering themselves more often. Also female POWs when captured by the other side are more likely to be used for propaganda purposes and of course sexual violence. And apparently when female soldiers want out, all they have to do is get pregnant and they're evacuated from combat duty. It fucks with the cohesion of the units. Anyone who recognizes the biological differences between men and women should see that women in combat is a fucking terrible idea because it endangers soldiers as a whole. It's not just about protecting women.

You the guy I was responding to or someone else?

Anyway, I would assume it's distraction or less strength more than anything else.

That being said, this leads me to wonder if militaries should just go back to banning women and gays. Intuitively, I disapprove, but I'm not sure now. If distraction because of crushes on your colleagues is an issue, then this seems like a solution. That, or separated units.

Women should be drafted for brothels on the front lines

In a sense, women are drafted into traditional gender roles when a war happens, so I guess you could say that they're drafted

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>all they have to do is get pregnant and they're evacuated from combat duty

I hadn't thought about this. Could mandatory birth control be a solution, or is it logistically unfeasible?

>There's no privacy
Is it such a big deal? I'm still embarrassed changing clothes or shitting in front of guys. Surely it would become the norm if you do it every day.

Imagine not just straight up abolishing the draft.

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I agree if you're in a country with a large enough volunteer base and military budget. If you border on Russia, is it not an unfortunate necessity?

Mandatory birth control would be illegal, and even then it's not 100% effective. Plus the logistics would be difficult, whichever method you used and then how would you enforce it? As far as privacy, it's not just how the women feel, it's the men. And there are logical differences again, like peeing and menstruating. I don't have the link on this device, but there was a really interesting essay on this topic written by long time high ranking female officer about the studies done on this, it was fascinating because I'd never thought of all the things she addressed.

There Eggs argument goes to the ground when you remember that women aren't having any children until later in life, and that the birth rates are lower than ever. For example, for now the birth rates of Ukraine are 1.2, bellow the replacement levels, and no one really cares.
If there was really any weight to the idea that governments are valuing women that have children, there would be a intense campain to make this possible, but I have to remind you that what we have here isn't traditional society is globohomo.
There is a large campain from media, entertainment and society at large for NOT having children, because they are a burden, and being a mother is basically slavery to women. But they'll pretend that this never happened.
If the eggs argument are really valid, go out there say that a women should have children. They'll say that it's not their obligation, and it's sexist, and women should do whatever they want, and they are doing that, choosing to be a career women. But man have their obligations, men NEED to go to war because it's his obligation.
What'll happen is what's happen on South Korea. The man will risk themselves in a war, while the women in their country DON'T have children, DON'T do what was socially expected of them, and the most important of all, they'll take the mens job opportunities, making them have a huge advantage on the job market. They'll be still consider men le-bad though.

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Imagine complying with the draft or getting taken alive when they come to arrest you

We are wired to see women as default victims and they genrally don't have the same strength endurence, ect. They generally would make shittier soldiers.