Is it true that adult women(17 yo +) rarily like any looks in a man other than your stereotypical square jaw, big chin...

Is it true that adult women(17 yo +) rarily like any looks in a man other than your stereotypical square jaw, big chin, tall, and of course caucasian passing man?
I can honestly say that man's preferences in looks are more diverse:

>petite small faced girls
>girls with mainly features like broad shoulders and a large jaw
>asian, black, mulata, indian girls
>girls with more meat and chubby faces
>neotenous girls with recessed chins and jaws

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>obsessing this much over men's faces
You are worse than a faggot desu. At least they aren't afraid to admit they like men.

if they are in the west, yes. though even if they arent in the west, they still want that but just dont worship it to the same degree as western women do.

I'm just too deep into the whole blackpill thing but what I see is unfortunately the truth. What makes a male's face attractive can be better defined than just saying ''he's handsome!''.
Also, I came to notice specific facial features because they affect my life and the lives of the man who get a lot of female attention.
Women care a lot about that and so should I since I want women.

he's just some faggot who wants to call everyone gay because he has no other arguments, he has to resort to pathetic ad hom attempts.

Lol no. Men just want x variety of Stacy. Whether it's nerd Stacy, cosplay Stacy, natural Stacy, Arab Stacy, Asian Stacy, they all basically have the same conventionally attractive features and slim bodies.

>Men like Indian girls
Lol what and since when? Why you lying for OP.
t. Indian girl

look at this beautiful nubian stacy. what a shallow husband she has who only wants her for her looks.

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I see. Asian girls seem to value feminine features a lot more than western girls.
But does this happen because manly faces are kind of rare in asian phenotypes anyway, so their culture had to adapt its preferences to what was available?

I refuse to believe that image is genuine.
The "How did my frumpy Dad get with my hot Mom" TicTok trend was already delusion.
But this is beyond words.

The fuck is wrong with you women?

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She's internet famous. He's clearly dating her for clout and money, and likely cheats on her with conventionally attractive women from his village. Does he love her or feel attracted to her? Fuck no. Just using her.

Sure, man don't value your average indian girl that much. But how many white men would be fine with an indian girl vs how many white women could love an indian guy?

You can literally see in his face he's disgusted and bemused by them. Bad example fren.

She is probably way more traditional will stay loyal do more for him etc cook clean nice tight pussy will actually be a mum unlike white woman

>we would settle for you as a fuckhole if we can't get Stacy so be happy
Lol go die m8

>attempting to force yourself to have the perspective of a woman
You are not a woman. Stop projecting attributes of men you find attractive onto women. It will never work and you will eventually circle back to the fact that you were a faggot coping with his sexuality. That is your ultimate blackpill.
What straight guy collects photos of men they "think women" find attractive? Do you really believe this is what straight men do in their free time? Harvest photos of one another and try to pick out which one is most attractive? Yeah, no. We don't. You both are faggots for even condoning this behavior.

she just took a picture of him while he's playing vidya, and he's still with her to this day.

Big true. It's not normal for '''''straight'''' males to obsess over Chad and male models this much. What straight male has hundreds of images of male supermodels saved to his hard drive? Not only that but they're all addicted to tranny porn too. Incels are fags lol.

>Yeah, no. We don't.
why do you type like a woman? nobody sane refers to themselves as "we" either.

He ugly.
>Those eyes
>Those lips
>This jaw+facial hair combination
>This expression
At least post attractive one

Yeah because she gets a shit ton of donations from people who feel sorry for her and her deformed child. No wonder that starving African faggot has his hooks sunk into her. You underestimate male depravity and conniving behaviour.

I don't deny that most people from both genders would prefer the most attractive partner but the threshold for genuine physical attraction seems to be set much lower for women than for men.

holy olympic level mental gymnastics batman

You might as well be an unicorn.

Yep, it's just cope.
>you are a woman
You are a faggot that uses "blackpill studies" as a coping mechanism for his own homosexuality.
>nobody sane
No, nobody sane collects extraordinary amounts of photos of men and insists it's to reveal a truth. Again, you are a faggot. I've never hung out with friends and discussed what women find attractive in men's physicality. Ever.

Nah it's not. Male horniness clouds their judgment but only temporarily. A man cannot love an ugly woman. Women fall in love with ugly guys all the time.

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easy stacy, you're going to stain your room with your menses blood if you keep having emotional outbursts like this

>A poor man is using an ugly but financially decent woman for money
This happens all the time. The one doing mental gymnastics is you, pretending a man genuinely loves some hideous gargoyle out of the goodness of his heart.

the fact he's black says it all. nigger moids always use women for money.

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Unironically better looking than the OP-pic guy, that one is like 6 and thus could be 8 with good personality?

>you are a woman and you are mad at me
It would admittedly be funnier if I was, but I'm not. I am just being as clear and as concise as possible. Let me repeat because your deflection is once again to get away from this point. You are a faggot. You have megabytes or maybe even gigabytes of pictures of men. You use the blackpill as a cope for your homosexuality.

im sorry i forgot you had her complete financial records in front of you and knew she's secretly richer than jeff bezos. my bad for not believing your schizo takes.

That dude is known for being a complete asshole irl. He abandoned his sons and left his wife, who took care of him when he had cancer, out of his will. Ugly men are always even uglier on the inside and you'll learn this as you get older.

>we arent a woman, we swears it
i totally believe you dude, you convinced me.

She's literally famous on tiktok and people donate to her out of pity. In terms of African niggers she's doing mighty well. I wonder why some nigger who's more attractive than her is settling with her, hmmm such a mystery...