Why not just get an incel gf?

Why not just get an incel gf?

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I'm sure she talks to 50 different guys a day, my guy. Wake up and live in reality.

This woman is deeply mentally ill

because i can't "get" inexistent beings

there is no such thing

i did have a gf that claimed to be a femcel. and then she cheated on me.

Pick one and ONLY one. Trannies do not count.

there needs to be a different word for femcels because the direct female equivalent of a male incel doesnt exist but for the individual it equals out to the same experiential thing

there are men that absolutely no one would want to willingly fuck without some additional boon LIKE undying loyalty, financial stability to be able to have a home to raise a happy family, etc. women need love or something equally as subjectively valuable to them to settle for an aesthetically inferior man. ofc vice versa with literal serial killer chads being able to wife and dick down anyone they want with zero redeemable qualifies other than mogging rights

controversial take being on r9k, which flip flops between putting women on a pedestal and saying they possess that which men naturally lack like empathy, instinct to nurture, etc VS people who say men are the only ones who care for things other than base urges like sex and looks, only men are motivated by finding love with a woman regardless of her beauty or status, etc etc etc but

honestly as I think this all through it is too difficult to say whether it is a male or female issue. I want to assume the worst of men but all I really know of men is what I have been shown on r9k which is already a sample size of some of the most degenerate lost cause assholes you could scrounge up, and even on top of that sometimes people are worse here just for the meme of it all and because they wont be held accountable for thinking and saying horrible things due to the anonymity. other than that just the guys who bullied me in school. but it is the same for many men here, all they know of women is western display of depravity evidenced by the loudest of brain dead whores advertising themselves on instagram, twitter, tinder, onlyfans, etc.

because i'm not attracted to feminists

Sorry bro. Some people are never satisfied. Either she got big headed after meeting someone who felt mutual attraction or she was never a femcel.

so maybe we can just agree that there are people no one wants to enter into a relationship with and women can never be included in that. but there are special case women who will only ever be settled for because their suitor desperately wants a partner and love. almost not worth mentioning of course because even 4/10 men are treated the same as literal grotesquely deformed females with birth defects or injuries from accidents. but still, to be one of those women, it would be depressing to know you may find a partner but you will never receive as much adoration, no one, not even your husband if you do find one, will ever be as attracted to you as they are to the average blonde, skinny, symmetrical, big titty Stacy. thats where there is a link..many men could find matches but they dont want to settle for a looksmatch and not only that but it destroys their ego to be settled for. it is like the love is worthless even if they can find love, because it is inherently insulting because of how much they hate themselves and how deeply they know there are men smarter, more charismatic, successful, handsome..

rambling but to reel it back, there are those concerned with not being fuckable and there are those that both fear and experience no one loving them. no one happily CHOOSING them, not settling, not desperately scooping up, but someone really feeling like youre the best of the best and if given the choice to be with someone better than you they wouldnt pick anyone else because you fall on the perfect boarder of conventionally desirable enough for it to not be cope, combined with your partners appreciation for qualities that may not appeal to others, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, etc etc

i havent slept in a while and none of this probably makes sense but i needed something to fixate on because my eyes feel like theyre going to fall out and my throat hurts no matter what i drink and fuck fuck fuck fucking hell

>doesn't mention their father
Explains everything

lol why not just get an autism bf? why/because i'll tell you why: because i said so. i will eat all of the pancakes and you will eat none.

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That creature is not a incel, it's a bored normie girl looking for attention.

Why is this so wholesome?

the pancakes are property of mine and principally all mine and very few no cancel that directive barely any error/correction zero of the pancakes are yours you are on the path to no pancakes having no hope to pancake make your time all of what would be your pancake are belong to me if they weren't mine but are not yours because they are mine

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>Why not get an attention whore gf

i canphf ansphfer mouf toof foofof panfcaffphs

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i mean can someone just tell me the REAL real like the core of the issue

supply and demand dictates that not every man will find a wife, thats it right? It is about more than fucking? because there are always fat chicks, or even severely disabled women who want to feel like people, feel like adults, and would love to be fucked by anybody if they could arrange it just to have the experience and feel normal. but it is really about finding a forever partner, right? where do women really have the advantage there? just because they get a shot? but how often does it go well? it isnt always better to have loved and lost because finding someone and thinking theyre the one and being proven wrong decimates your self esteem as a woman. at least foreveralone men have a chance of forsaking union and turning their efforts to other fulfillments in life. like even if youre the hottest bitch alive your husband might still be a pedo and cheat on you with the babysitter, even if you have every homemaking skill mastered and give him as many kids as he wants after a while he still might not appreciate you and will just want someone more entertaining because loyalty and sacrifice means nothing to him...finding someone doesnt mean they will stay with you. i know here this often devolves into "well if the hot bitch got left it was probably because she was naggy or not intellectually stimulating enough," "hey if I am not attracted to my wife's body anymore as the inevitable force of time becomes evident it's not my fault if I want to leave her to fuck highschoolers," "hey if it wasn't that the wife probably cheated and initiated the divorce just to get his money, it is always women's faults when a marriage goes wrong," "her fault for choosing the wrong guy, i would NEVER do any of those things" but just fucking humor me, what about when its not any of that? what about when a man doesnt show his true colors or changes a decade into the marriage?

im not trying to be that person that comes into a male space and tries to whine and argue that girls have it worse but if i really have an advantage as a woman id love to be made aware of it because it all seems so bleak. i dont care that i could walk down to the nearest bar and reliably find at least one person who would want to fuck me, and i recognize that not everyone agrees that that isnt much of a consolation, that many men think getting laid will solve all their issues or at least that im a dumb cunt for trying to say it doesnt matter because of how badly they wish they had the absolutely luxury of being objectified by anyone they would prefer to be objectified by. i want someone to build a life with and most people are shit so i think we at least share this one obstacle. even if you start lifting, even if you self improooov, it could all go to waste if you just gf or wife the wrong girl and she decides to waste your time and ruin your life. but even then, yes you wont be as young but a divorced man isnt devalued or used goods, hes just experienced. a womans life isnt over because whores are in high demand but any decent woman DOES care about her purity and her virtue and her value and you LOSE ALL OF IT if you give yourself to the wrong partner. I KNOW I HAVE IT A TRILLION TIMES EASIER THAN ANY MAN BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN THERE ARE NO OBSTACLES OR RISKS, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TRUST IN A FUTURE WHEN SO MUCH IS UNCERTAIN AND SO MUCH COULD GO WRONG? BECAUSE THE ANSWER ISNT JUST MARRY AN INCEL BECAUSE SURE SOMETIMES CHAD IS AN AS ASSHOLE BUT SOMETIMES INCELS HAVE PERMANENT CHIPS ON THEIR SHOULDERS AND THEY FEEL ENTITLED TO CHEAT AND LIE AND HURT YOU BECAUSE THEY NEVER GOT THE CHANCE THEY SECRETLY WANTED TO DO IT TO 10 DIFFERENT GIRLS LIKE ALL THE OTHER GUYS SUPPOSEDLY DID. SO MANY OF YOU FUCKS DONT WANT SOMEONE TO LOVE YOU WANT A CHANCE TO GET REVENGE FOR THE HAND THE WORLD DEALT YOU

Dude I am going to kill myself aomeone get me a valium

>because there are always fat chicks,
how many fatties have you burst your load in? for me it's five. that's if you don't count the chubby ones, if you do it's nine. that's not enough fatty for my fat cock to feel satisfied. i still get a fucking huge chubby just thinking about porking her plump pillows and how every bit of her wobbles as she squeals in delight!

i'm gonna pump her full of it tonight!